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Español - Spanish

Señora Sibello






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İ Bienvenidos a la clase de español! This year you are going learn how to communicate in Spanish about yourself and the culture!

Communication: You will develop all modes and skills of language - listening, reading, speaking and writing - at the specified proficiency level. It’s all about communication, not perfection!

Culture: There’s a lot going on out there in the world! knowing more about the products, practices and perspectives from different Spanish-speaking cultures will help you to understand and connect with others. also you will make comparisons and reflect on your own culture.

Communities: Spanish is being used all around us. Part of your out-of-class work will include getting into the community, and experiencing the language and culture in action. Also you will make connections to the world, other content and careers.

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Missing Work

If you are absent on the due date of any assignment, you are responsible to turn it in when you come back to school or to our live sessions. Since all the information will be posted in Google Classroom, you are responsible to look on Powerschool or Google Classroom for any assigned & missed work and/or to contact a classmate for any notes taken.

Late Assignments

I understand that we are living exceptional times and this is a new situation for everybody. I set high expectations to all my students and you are expected to do you work. However, I am also very flexible with the due dates. Talk to me so I can understand your situation and I will definitely work with you all.

Unit 1: What’s trending? Entertainment

Unit 2: Let’s Explore the World!

Unit 3: A day in the life

Unit 4: Back in the day.

Unit 5: Global Awareness: we can be world changers

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Formative Assignments: 70% of your overall grade and will include a variety of activities assessing how well the student engages in conversation.

Summative Assignments: 25% of your grade will be determined by student comprehension and growth by participating in reading, listening, speaking and writing assessments. It will be 1 per unit, 8% per assessment.

Homework/Classroom Participation: 5%

Classroom participation and engagement is essential in this class.

  • Quizzes
  • Short Voice Assessment
  • Writing Assignments
  • Reading interpretations
  • Listening comprehension
  • Authentic assessment & projects
  • Google Forms Assignments
  • This is Language
  • Conjuguemos
  • Daily participation during class.

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In addition to school rules, students are expected to follow these language-specific classroom rules to help facilitate language development.

1.Listen with the intent to understand.

2.One person speaks, others look and listen.

3.Support the flow of conversation.

4.Do your 50%.

Online learning rules.

1. Be prepared and on time.

2. Turn on your camera.

3. Only turn on your microphone when responding to or asking a question.

4. Use the chat only to post relevant questions or statements.

5. Participate when given the opportunity.

Plagiarizing/cheating :

Turning in work that you did not do, copying from another person or an agency, using internet

translators, copying work during a test or quiz from another student’s paper, a cheat sheet, notes, or

anywhere else where written material-to-be-studied is.

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Email: asibello@wcpss.net

Generally, students participate in many hands-on, group activities in which they manipulate papers, cut out graphic organizers and color. I require my students to have the basics (paper, pen/pencils, erasers, etc). Notebooks or binders are great! Choose what you feel more comfortable with.

ONLINE students are only required to have a FULLY CHARGED chromebook and charger to fully participate in my class for the 2020-2021 school year..

Contact info: How do you get in touch with Senora Sibello?

Supplies: What do you need?