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Photography Challenge

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Challenge One

Take a photo using each letter of your name for inspiration:

S (sun) A (ant) R (rose) A (apple) H (hose).

Challenge Two:

Take a high angle photo - this must include a line.

Challenge Three:

Take an extreme close up of an eye (person/ insect/ pet).

Challenge Four:

Take a low angle of something you have made.

Challenge Five:

Take a long shot from a window.

Post your photos on SeeSaw.

Can’t take a photo?

Create a poem of the photos that you would like to take OR even draw your picture!

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What makes a GREAT photo?

  • Subject
  • Rule of thirds
  • Angles
  • Shot
  • Editing

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Things to think about:

Whatever you take a photo of, make sure it’s interesting!

This could be colour - a piece of mould, something bright in a dull area, movement, light, an interesting piece of wood with texture! Most things that you take a photograph of will be interesting - it’s just how you take that photo and edit!

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High Angle

When shooting a high angle - make sure the camera is above the object! It’s other name is called ‘birds eye view.’

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Low Angle

The camera must be placed lower that the object.

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Extreme Close Up

An extreme close up is when the subject that goes over the boundaries of the frame.

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Close Up

A close up shot frames the person’s face - usually cuts off at the mid-neck and shows the full head. Usually shows emotion!

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Long Shot

A long shot frames the subject from the feet up - it captures the person but also the environment.