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West High School

Academic Programming & Community Meeting

Tuesday, November 15th 2022

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Welcome & Introductions (5 mins)

Academic Programming (20 mins)

  • Part 1: Core Courses
  • Part 2: Electives and Pathways

Initial Building Design Update (20 mins)

Public Comment/Questions (15 mins)

Next Steps

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Community informed decision making:

  • Mascot & Colors
  • Staffing
  • Some building specs
  • Academic programming

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Academic Programming: The Core

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Arkansas Graduation Requirements

Smart Core is the set of rigorous course requirements for all Arkansas public high school students

So, what are the “Core” courses?

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The Smart Core (22 Credits)

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LRSD Scholars (26 Credits)

6 Advanced courses (Pre-AP or AP)

4 Credits for ELA & Math Remain

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Academic Programming: Electives & Pathways

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Academic Programming for West HS will include:

  • AP course offerings - school will begin with an identified set of AP courses and add courses as student interest dictates
    • AP Language & Composition, AP Literature, AP Seminar, AP Calculus, AP World History, AP US History, AP Chemistry, AP Biology
  • Concurrent Credit
    • CC offerings will be offered in both stand alone courses and blended AP courses
  • General Electives will be offered
    • Graduation Requirement electives - PE, Health, Foreign Language, Oral Communications
    • Non-specialty program electives - ROTC, Band, Choir, Drama, Debate, CTE, etc.
  • Academies for West HS
    • Proposals for Academies
    • Other Proposals based on student interest

Academic Programming: Electives & Pathways

Freshman Academy

Academy of

Urban Agriculture

Academy of Digital Design & Marketing

Academy of Medical Systems & Technology

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About Academies

We have all asked the question, "What do I want to be when I grow up?." The Academies of Central Arkansas LRSD, is a transformation of the high school experience so that students can explore college and career opportunities and make informed choices about their futures.

In 2019, Little Rock School District in collaboration with North Little Rock, Jacksonville North Pulaski and Pulaski County Special school districts and the business community, has been working to transform public high schools in Pulaski County into career or interest themed academies.s.

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About Academies

Our journey of transforming high schools is founded on three fundamental concepts:

  • Transform the High School Experience through a structure of career and interest academies that bring teams of teachers together to collaborate, build relationships, and support individual student needs.
  • Transform the Classroom Experience by bringing real-world experience aligned to careers of interest to all classrooms and developing 21st Century life skills that students will use for years to come.
  • Transform Business & Civic Engagement through the engagement of business and community partners to provide industry speakers, college tours, industry related field trips, job shadowing, and internships.

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About Academies


  • The first step a student takes into the Academy experience is Freshman Academy, were every student is KNOWN.

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About Academies


  • All ninth graders take Freshman Seminar, a year-long course that integrates Professional Communications, which meets the graduation requirement for Oral Communications. Students earn 1.0 credit for Freshman Seminar, and 0.5 credits for Professional Communications.

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About Academies

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What are the Academies Options?

Students will be able to explore all of academies options offered in the building through Freshman Seminar. At the end of freshman year, students will be able to select an academy and a pathway within that academy.

Once a student has selected an academy and pathway, the student will take 3 courses (1 per year) in that pathway.

Students have the option of changing their pathway during their sophomore year.

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Academies Example: Example A

Freshman Academy

Academy of

Urban Agriculture

Academy of Digital Design & Marketing

Academy of Medical Systems & Technology

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Academy of Medical Systems & Technology

Freshman Academy

Academy of

Urban Agriculture

Academy of Digital Design & Marketing

Academy of Medical Systems & Technology


Medical Skills & Dental Services



Potential Partners

Level 1 Course

Foundations of Healthcare

Unmanned Aerial Systems I

Level 2 Course

Medical Terminology

Unmanned Aerial Systems II

Level 3 Course

Medical Lab

Unmanned Aerial Systems III

Elective Courses


Computer Science FLEX

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Academies Example: Example B

Freshman Academy

Academy of

Business & Finance

Academy of Architecture & Design

Academy of Medicine & Biotechnology

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Academy of Architectural & Design

Freshman Academy

Academy of

Urban Agriculture

Academy of Digital Design & Marketing

Academy of Medical Systems & Technology


Architectural Design

Digital Design

Potential Partners

Level 1 Course

Drafting and Design

Media Communications

Level 2 Course

Architectural CAD I

Advertising & Graphic Design I

Level 3 Course

Architectural CAD II

Advertising & Graphic Design II

Elective Courses

Drone I

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Additional Academies Options/Ideas

  • Science & Technology
  • Business & Entrepreneurship
  • Health Sciences & Health Professions
  • Medicine & Biotechnology
  • Gaming & App Development
  • Urban Agriculture
  • Marketing & Design
  • Medical Systems & Technology
  • Business & Finance
  • Architecture & Design
  • Others?

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What would a student’s schedule look like?


  • English 1
  • Math (Appropriate Level)
  • Science (Appropriate Level)
  • Civics/Economics
  • Freshman Seminar
  • PE/Health
  • Elective
  • Elective


  • English 2
  • Math (Appropriate Level)
  • Science (Appropriate Level)
  • World History
  • Pathway Course
  • Fine Art Elective*
  • Elective
  • Elective

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2,200 SEAT


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Public comments or questions?

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Next Steps

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What’s Next?

The next community meeting will be Wednesday, December 14th, 2022 6:00pm @ Pinnacle View

  • Survey will remain open until November 30th
  • District will draft and present academic programming recommendations based on community feedback received
  • Architects will update and present facility drawings to represent community feedback received on the physical building
  • Community will provide final input on all recommendations prior to submission of final construction plans to the state

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Please use the survey link, survey address or QR code below to provide your input for the planning at Little Rock West HS.


Survey Link