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Watercolor Exploration

Ms. Kanter

Art 1 Period 3

“A good plan never survives the first contact with implementation” -Adam Savage

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This week: Eye Project

  • Practice drawing eyes
  • Draw final eye on watercolor paper
  • Use watercolor techniques to paint your eye
  • Add any details with colored pencil/pen

Next week: Choose your own adventure project!

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Drawn Eye Examples

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Choose Your Own Adventure!

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Option 1: Hatch Print Style Poster

Prompt: Using watercolor and other materials, design a concert poster in the style of vintage hatch print



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Option 2: Figure Study

Prompt: Using our figure drawing studies from the previous week and incorporating watercolor techniques, create a composition using the human body as your subject

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Option 3: Book Marks

Prompt: Using watercolor and other materials, create a masked off bookmark using the subject matter of your choosing (landscape, abstract colors, cartoon characters, etc.)

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Things to Remember

  • No black until the end!
    • To make colors darker, try using their complimentary color
  • Use more water than you think
    • You can always go darker but it’s hard to go lighter
  • Use all of the tools you are given (brush, water, paper towels, mixed media, etc)
  • Allow the material to do its thing