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EGI Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Working Group


Marco Rorro (EGI Foundation)

AI Solutions Architect

September 1, 2022

AI/ML WG Meeting #2


September 1, 2022 | AI/ML WG Meeting #2

www.egi.eu |

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  • Introduction
  • Use case presentations
    • Deep learning models for powerline removal when quantifying ecosystem structure from massive (multi-terabyte) LiDAR point clouds (Yifang Shi & Daniel Kissling)
    • Using machine learning to AI based schedule massive docker containers, to detect performance anomalies, and do federated learning across sites (Zhiming Zhao)
  • Open discussion and AOB


September 1, 2022 | AI/ML WG Meeting #2

www.egi.eu |

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Share knowledge, best practices and solutions

EGI Working Group on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning


September 1, 2022 | AI/ML WG Meeting #2

www.egi.eu |

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Main Activities

  • Gather requirements and recurrent use cases from user communities
  • Identify technical solutions
  • Help the setup and execution of new EGI projects in the AI/ML area

WG composition

  • User communities
  • Technical providers
  • EGI Federation
  • EGI Foundation

Main objectives

  • Drive the technical evolution of the EGI Federation in AI and ML
  • Evolve the service offering to meet the needs of researchers


September 1, 2022 | AI/ML WG Meeting #2

www.egi.eu |

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Initial Members


    • Philipp Heuser (DESY HIP)
    • Rohaifa Khalid (LifeWatch)
    • Daniel Kissling (UvA)
    • Valentin Kozlov (KIT)
    • Jan Willem Noteboom (KNMI DataLab)
    • Andrea Pagani (KNMI DataLab)
    • Ivan Rodero (EMSO)
    • Zhiming Zhao (UvA)

Infrastructure providers

    • Viet Tran (IISAS)
    • Marica Antonacci (INFN)
    • Carlos Fernández (CESGA)

Technical Providers

    • Álvaro López García (IFCA) - Deep PaaS - WG co-chair
    • Gabriel González Castañé (UCC) - AI4EUROPE - External advisor
    • Martin Welß (Fraunhofer IAIS) - AI4EUROPE - External advisor
    • Danilo Ardagna (Polimi) - AI-SPRINT - External advisor

EGI Foundation

    • Marco Rorro (WG Chair)
    • Diego Scardaci (TCB Chair)
    • Ville Tenhunen (Service owner)
    • Elisa Cauhé (Service owner)
    • Andrea Manzi (Service owner)
    • Giuseppe La Rocca (Community support chair)
    • All the Technical Solution Team


September 1, 2022 | AI/ML WG Meeting #2

www.egi.eu |

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Communications and WG management


September 1, 2022 | AI/ML WG Meeting #2

www.egi.eu |

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Thank you

Marco Rorro

This work is partially funded by the EU research and innovation programme


September 1, 2022 | AI/ML WG Meeting #2

www.egi.eu |