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Oedipus Rex by Sophocles

Journal Topics

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Do you believe fate (someone, something, or some power) can control or influence events? Explain why or why not you agree with this statement.

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If you are unaware that you are doing something wrong, should you be held responsible for your actions?

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If you had the ability to know everything, would you? Why or why not?

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Many psychologists believe that individuals are attracted to others that remind them of their family members. Do you agree with this? Why or why not?

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Oedipus’ Punishment

If you were a member of Oedipus’ kingdom, what punishment would you recommend for his crimes?

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Capital Punishment

In your opinion, should we have capital punishment? Why or why not?

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Worst Fate

In the play, who do you believe suffered the worst fate? Support your opinion.

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Don’t Shoot the Messenger

How does the phrase/saying, “Don’t shoot the messenger,” apply to the play Oedipus? What does the phrase mean in today’s culture?