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Assessment Online

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Assessment Online on TKI offers a wide range of information on how leaders and teachers can use assessment to enhance teaching and learning.

This workshop will assist you to navigate quickly and easily within the Assessment site and find its wealth of resources.


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Welcome to this tour of the website that shows you where to find information and resources and more about:

  • formative assessment in the classroom
  • the collection and analysis of data
  • moderation
  • overall teacher judgments
  • reporting to parents and whānau
  • assessment tools and their most effective use. 


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Assessment Online homepage

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AOL main sections

with links to three top level pages

AOL site menu

Search AOL or all TKI

Key information

Newsletter and Latest news

ESAA login for access to:

  • e-asTTle
  • PaCT
  • Digistore

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Key information

Main sections displaying links to three top level pages

Contact us

Related links

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Assessment in the classroom

Formative assessment

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Information about formative assessment can be found in these sections and resources:

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Two ways to access Assessment for learning in practice (formative assessment) on the Assessment Online homepage:


Middle section

Menu (expanded)

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Formative assessment “how to” information

Formative assessment background information

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Useful formative assessment resources found throughout Assessment Online:

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Using evidence for learning

The collection and analysis of data

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The collection and analysis of high quality evidence

is an essential component in the ongoing cycle of inquiry that is central to improving teaching and learning.

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Gathering evidence involves understanding about:

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Working with data requires an understanding of the principles of data analysis.

Topics, including interactive illustrations in this section cover:

  • Standards-based assessment
  • Types of data
  • Reliability and validity
  • Mean, median and standard deviation
  • Percentages, percentiles and stanines
  • Norms and effect sizes

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The Excel tutorials on these pages provide practical instructions for:

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It is essential that educators are able to accurately read and interpret data, so that they know where students are in their learning, and are able to best set goals and plan for optimum teaching and learning.

The topics in this section cover:

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Target or goal settinghttp://assessment.tki.org.nz/Using-evidence-for-learning/Target-setting

The general principles of target or goal setting should apply at each level of the school, including goal setting by students. The topics in this section cover:

  • Effective target setting
  • Target setting at the Board of Trustees level
  • Target setting at the school and classroom level
  • Planning for improvement
  • Goal setting for students.

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This ready-to-use professional learning resource for schools:

  • is designed to assist schools to make best use of evidence in making decisions aimed at improving student achievement.
  • aims to engage leaders and teachers in thinking through some ideas, principles, and processes that will enhance the school’s approach to collecting and using data and other evidence.
  • focuses on years 7–13, but the approach can �be adapted for other school environments.

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Using moderation to ensure consistency of Overall teacher judgments (OTJs). The topics in this section cover:

  • Why moderate?
  • Moderation processes
  • Moderation resources
  • Moderation professional learning modules
  • Cluster moderation project – a case study

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Overall teacher judgments

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Overall teacher judgments�http://assessment.tki.org.nz/Overall-teacher-judgment

Guidance on the types of information and the definitions of achievement teachers can bring to bear on making their overall teacher judgments, and ways to increase the dependability of the judgments.

  • Making an overall teacher judgment
  • Definitions of achievement
  • Increasing the dependability of OTJs
  • NS Policy documents
  • 2014 OTJ workshop resources

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Assessment tools and resources

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Assessment tools and resources http://assessment.tki.org.nz/Assessment-tools-resources

  • Assessment tool selector, now housed on Assessment Online, provides comparative information about the range of assessment tools used in New Zealand schools.
  • Alignment of assessment tools with National Standards supports teachers making OTJs with information on how scores for assessment tools align to the NS at that year level.
  • What Next, a version of the e-asTTle What next tool, uses the TKI search to help teachers find resources for “what next” teaching and learning within chosen curriculum levels and areas.

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These pages in the Assessment tools and resources section provide links to, information about, and tips for getting the most out of:

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Reporting to parents and whānau

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Reporting to parents and whānauhttp://assessment.tki.org.nz/Reporting-to-parents-families-and-whanau

The topics in this section cover:

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  • Examples and templates for download and adaptation by schools: http://assessment.tki.org.nz/Reporting-to-parents-whanau/Examples-and-templates
    • Introductory comments
    • Comments across a range of curriculum areas
    • Illustrating progress in Foundations for learning
    • Reporting for students below NS
    • How parents and whānau can help at home
    • Student self assessment and reflection
    • Examples from schools
    • Expected levels of progress through the curriculum

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Other useful resources

  • Assessment Literacy: the possession of knowledge about the basic principles of sound assessment practice, including its terminology, the development and use of assessment methodologies and techniques, and familiarity with standards of quality in assessment.
  • Target setting: a resource for Boards of Trustees

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Use these activities to get familiar with the content in Assessment Online.

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Thank you��For further support please contact: assessment@tki.org.nz