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“You get to be more than just a member of the audience, we help you become a thought leader”

The offer of engaging with Lote is getting to that point of really good writing and getting a brilliant presentation, materialized in writing, of your thoughts pulled through this process.

  • Makes it easy for the right people and opportunities to find you. How? Collaborative PR (we’re the world’s largest communication agency). Example: Fabrizio Barca video + case study. Read more> Social Media & Outreach team/tasks.
  • Improves the quality of your thinking. Helps organise your throughs and helps others to see you and your work in the bigger picture. How? Collective intelligence - lots of people discussing your topic and project online and offline, tools to go through the data and make sense of it, and weave it all together in a coherent story. Example: Robin Chase video + case study. Read More> Documentation and Sensemaking team/tasks.
  • Gives people “ways in” to your work. If something is “perfect” there is no room for others to meaningfully contribute to it. Which means it does not invite people to invest attention, effort, knowledge, money, skills, social capital or time into it. How? Example: + case study. Read More> Fail unFail Storytelling team/tasks

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Landing page 1

Content Contributors

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Embed this slideshow here: [https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/15or4f_X62Zon2SteQljmDb0vPO47toOf2Zr69dZKDu8/edit?usp=sharing]

[megaphone] Digital Outreach

[icon of cogs] Community Building & Activation

[Twitter icons] Twitterstorms

You change the world. We wake your global audience.

The world’s most effective communications agency.

By pooling our resources and working together, we become a new kind of communications agency powered by a distributed, global network of field specialists. We coordinate the swarm using small, cross-functional teams comprising the freshest innovators, visionaries and builders that help individuals and organizations drive change both internally and externally. Our partners include:

[logos of partner organisations]

[Your Name | @Twitterhandle

Your work title | areas of specialisation

http://edgeryders.eu | http://edgeryders.eu/company

mob:Your number here ]

Tell the team a little about yourself.

Your email address?

In this team we come up with creative and effective ways to boost visibility for individual participants who contribute to #LOTE events, as well as grow the audience and conversation around each contribution.

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Landing Page 2

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Getting involved in building LOTE events:

  • Makes it easier for the right people/opportunities to find you

  • Improves the quality of your thinking and knowledge

  • Gives people meaningful “ways in” to you/ your work

Why be a spectator when you can become a thought leader?

The #LOTE event series offer unique opportunities for quickly acquiring, structuring and targeting new knowledge.

Participants develop insights, relationships and tools that make their work more efficient, more effective, and more impacting.

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Landing Page 3

Content Contributors

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Objective 1 > Strategy 1 > Tactic 1> Task

Objective 2 > Strategy 2> Tactic 2> Task

Objective 3> Strategy 3> Tactic 3> Task


Why and how our approach works.

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Landing Page 4

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Objective 1 > Strategy 1 > Tactic 1> Task

Objective 2 > Strategy 2> Tactic 2> Task

Objective 3> Strategy 3> Tactic 3> Task

Documentation and Sensemaking

Why and how our approach works.

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Landing Page 5

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Embed a slideshow with 8 slides here:�[1: Date, Logo slogan: “It’s not you. It’s everyone.”�2: Motivation�3: (Past) Highlights

4: Confirmed Speakers/Topics

5: Pre-event process (interview, post, session prep)�6: Nice link to workspace + instructable�7: Some pointers to tasks�8: Who to ask for help

[Slogan] You change the world. We wake your global audience.

The world’s most effective change agency.

Share your story & work together.�Become part of a distributed agency powered by a network of tinkers, thinkers, makers, and shakers. We coordinate the swarm using small, cross-functional teams to help individuals and organizations drive change internally and externally. Our partners include:

[logos of partner organisations]

[Your Name | @Twitterhandle

Your work title | areas of specialisation

http://edgeryders.eu | http://edgeryders.eu/company

mob:Your number here ]

How to get in touch + ticket to you? mail, skype, hangout, SM, ... Know a user you want to work with? [Form field goes to Kira & Irene, they delegate away]

Motivational sentence 1.

Motivational sentence 2.

Session [icon + link]

Post�[icon + link]

Interview [icon + link]

[Inviting link to workspace] Use same image as slide 6 or 7. Maybe change on “mouseover”

[Next screen contains details for interview/post/session howto, or there is a “pop-up info box” for each if drupal handles that well]

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