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Skill Sharpening Workshops at Threatre@First

Theatre Publicity & Marketing

with Stephanie Haddad

July 19, 2021

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What is Publicity?��

Definition: �notice or attention given to someone or something by the media

How can we measure it?

In theatre, good publicity gets donations, subscribers, media coverage, reputation in the community, awareness of group, and of course, BUTTS IN SEATS!

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The Basics… Ways to Publicize

  • Word of mouth
  • Poster your community
  • Social media (pages, groups, events)
  • Mailing lists
  • “Classifieds”
  • Monthly newsletter
  • News media (print or online)
  • Merchandise (if applicable)
  • Hold contests
  • Get your cast/crew involved
  • Community events
  • Group discounts
  • Special event performances (Industry night, fundraisers)
  • Specialty interest groups (if applicable)

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Short-Term Publicity: Your Show

  • What you’ll need
    • Visuals
      • Headshots
      • Graphics
    • Written Content
      • Well-written show summary
      • Interviews with cast & crew
      • Blogs, press releases, postings, emails!
    • A hook!
      • Who MUST see this show? How do you reach them?
      • What makes this show special?
    • A social media schedule
      • Create an online event
      • Find interesting content for posts
      • Stay visible!


Your cast and crew are your biggest publicity assets!

Use them wisely.

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Ongoing Publicity: Your Season

  • Ways to sell the season
    • Brochures, bookmarks, etc
    • Include future shows on posters, plug them in pre-show announcements, etc.
    • Tease upcoming shows in your newsletter
    • Communicate regularly with your season’s subscribers
    • Keep your website updated
      • Create a special page for the full season


Your current audience will be your future audience.

Get them hooked!

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Long-Term Publicity: Your Organization

  • Ways to keep your audience’s attention long-term
    • Regular communication!
      • Monthly newsletter
      • Blog with regular updates
      • Up to date website
    • Opportunities to engage
      • Remain active on social media
      • Use groups to share more than just ads
    • Swag and merch?
    • Find expos, fairs, arts events to attend
    • Encourage subscription renewals!
    • Find other groups, make connections!
    • Always look for ways to break out of your bubble!


Stay attractive if you want to attract new people!

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Social Media: A Cautionary Tale

The Pros of Social Media

    • Many different options
    • Interaction with our audiences
    • Spread the word farther and wider
    • Faster too!

The Pitfalls of Social Media

    • Inconsistent posts: schedule!
    • “Shouting into the void”
    • Getting stale: diversify content!
    • Relying too heavily on it

Social media is an amazing FREE tool for community theatres to use wisely!

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Publicity at Theatre@First

  • The Production Coordinator (that’s me!) serves as the main publicity coordinator for T@F at large.
    • Publicity Lead focuses on publicity efforts show by show.
    • Social Media Lead focuses on maximizing our social media presence overall.
    • Ad Sales Lead focuses on forming connections with other organizations by selling ad space in our programs.
    • Fundraising Lead focuses on building community connections and finding financial support for T@F.

With all the pieces working together, Theatre@First develops and maintains a “publicity machine” that works long-term.

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