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How much Radiation is in your house?

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The purpose of this experiment is to measure which household appliance releases the most radiation when it’s used for approximately 30 minutes.

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If you measure how much radiation (using an EMF meter) that’s emitting off household appliances like a working laptop, working phone, working tablet, working TV, and an oven, then the laptop will emit the most amount of radiation out of all these appliances.

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  • Turn on one of the appliances.
  • Set the timer for 30 minutes.
  • Use the appliance until the timer ends.
  • Wait about 2 seconds before reading the EMF meter for the most accurate reading.
  • Place the EMF meter near the device.
  • Record the results on a data table and record the results for two more trials.
  • Repeat steps 1-6 for the next appliances.
  • Analyze the results on a data table.

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  • Working tablet
  • Working TV
  • Working laptop
  • Working phone
  • Oven
  • Timer
  • EMF radiation meter

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Working tablet

Working phone

Working laptop

Working TV

Working Oven

Trial 1 (in mg)

2.4 mg

2.1 mg

9.8 mg

8.1 mg

3.5 mg

Trial 2 (in mg)

2.2 mg

5.2 mg

8.2 mg

8.5 mg

3.8 mg

Trial 3 (in mg)

2.7 mg

6.4 mg

8.0 mg

9.1 mg

4.3 mg


2.4 mg

4.6 mg

8.7 mg

8.6 mg

3.9 mg

Data Table

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Bar Graph

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In most of the trials, the tablet emitted the least amount of radiation. In each trial, the oven kept emitting more radiation than the previous trial. In trial 1, The oven emitted 3.5 mg. In trial 2, The oven emitted 3.8 mg. In trial 3, the oven emitted 4.3 mg. The average amount of radiation for the oven is 3.9 mg. The amount of radiation for the laptop kept going down every trial. In trial 1, the laptop emitted 9.8 mg. In trial 2, the amount of radiation decreased to 8.2 mg. In trial 3, it decreased to 8.0 mg. The average amount of radiation for the laptop was 8.7 mg. The working phone emitted 2.1 mg on the first trial. On trial 2, it unexpectedly increases to 5.2 mg. On trial 3, the radiation raises up to 6.4 mg.

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My hypothesis was correct because the laptop emitted the most amount of radiation. The reason why is because their undersides releases high frequent EMF radiations. The undersides emits 7-10 milligauss EMF, which emits more than any other household electronic device.

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Real World Connections

Knowing how much radiation is in your house is important for safety precautions and knowing which electronics shouldn’t be used a lot. These electronics are useful in the real world but shouldn’t be overused. Knowing this topic can change your daily habits and your daily activities. It tells people which electronics are harmless to our bodies and which shouldn’t be used often to avoid fires or health issues.

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Additional Information

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