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Where Everybody Belongs

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What WEB does

Give the 6th graders an AMAZING ORIENTATION at WEB CAMP the week before school starts!

Sometimes you can eat lunch with the 6th graders! Yes, then you eat your lunch with your friends, too!

Check in with your small group of 6th graders to help them with school, social stuff, and to just be a friend!

Sometimes you may teach CREW lessons to 6th grade classes!

And it all starts with WEB Leader training on August 10th and 11th. We’ll train you to lead the 6th graders! Some of the training activities look like this:

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WEB separates into 5 teams throughout the year!

You will be divided into teams of your choice for each trimester

Green Team, Blue Team, Red Team, Purple Team, & Black Team

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  • Helps teachers with cleaning up or decorating their classrooms
  • Special projects to make this campus more attractive!
  • Pick up trash on campus

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  • Make posters for upcoming events
  • Create flyers/ morning announcements!

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  • EVENTS!!
  • Plan upcoming events
  • Execute the planned events

(Best for organized WEB leaders who like to be busy!)

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  • Recognize lonely students on campus and “Start With Hello!”
  • Sit with new students and show them around campus
  • Sit with 6th graders at lunch every Wednesday

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  • Teach CREW lessons to 6th grade CREW classes every week!

(Best for outgoing, friendly, and organized WEB leaders who like to teach others)

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Interview Process

  • Watch this slideshow
  • Go to the Sequoia website to fill out the application by April 30th.
  • Receive an invitation for an interview and attend
  • Attend the Spring playdate for the new WEB leaders on May 27th during school hours.
  • Attend WEB camp training before school starts.
  • Run the WEB camp for 6th graders before school starts.

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8:30 - 6th graders walk into the gym to cheering WEB Leaders!

8:45 - Start participating right away; building spirit and community

9:30 - 6th graders meet their WEB Leaders and WEB Crew. Learn how to be successful at Sequoia!

11:30- Take a Tour of the Campus and Learn Vital Campus Info

12:30- Depart with everything you need to be successful here!

Later that day the 6th graders attend their regular Sequoia Orientation and receive their class schedules, PE clothes and other materials.

A day in the life- WEB Camp

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Information Questions

Q. How many WEB leaders will there be? A. We will accept about 100 applications and choose approximately 40 WEB leaders.

Q. Do I have to have perfect grades to be a WEB leader? A. No. We are looking for nice, kind kids who can be responsible, positive role models for the 6th graders. This is a position of leadership on campus so you’ll want to make sure you’re making good choices!

Q. When will know if I have been accepted?

A. We will let you know by the end of May.

Q. Does it cost any money to be to be a WEB leader? A. NOPE!

Q. When will the WEB leaders get to plan all these amazing activities? A. WEB leaders will have their own CREW class everyday with Mrs. Hochevar.

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You should join WEB for so many different reasons. WEB is a way to not only get involved with the school but also to make great friends. WEB isn’t all about teaching and helping on campus, but to also reach out to our community.

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Made by 2019-2020 WEB Leaders:

Makenzie Holden

Kate Taggart

Cara Coleman

Clara Caufield

Mackenna Castillo