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Know Your New Jersey New Voices Act




Student Press Law Center

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Student Press Law Center

Provides free legal help and information on media law questions to student journalists and their advisers.

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Hazelwood School District v. Kuhlmeier (1988)

The U.S. Supreme Court significantly reduces the level of First Amendment protection provided to most school-sponsored student media at public high schools.

School-sponsored student media can be censored as long as there is a “legitimate pedagogical concern.”

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NJ Stat. Sec. 18A: 36-45 &

18A: 62-67

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New Jersey New Voices Law


Prior restraint

Undue delays

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New Jersey New Voices Law


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New Jersey New Voices Law

Unprotected speech

by student journalists

  • Substantial disruption to the educational ability of the school

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Your district needs a policy!

The law requires that every school district have a written student freedom of expression policy.

No policy can be more restrictive than the law.

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A law is just the beginning

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Write the story. We’ve got your back.

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Student Press Law Center