1 of 1

1.Lack of data X-ray centers

2.Failure to follow regulatory policy

3.Absence of quality control and quality assurance equipment

  • Provide database of X-ray centers
  • Determine policy compliance
  • Propose a quality assurance kit

The success of the project will be based on the available data obtained from X-ray centers

  • Online google survey forms
  • Data planning and management
  • Transport allowance to reach areas with no internet access ($325)
  • Use Python libraries
  • Simulation software for designing the hardware kit

The benefits from this project are as follows:

  • RSOs will be able to have access to data of X-ray equipment in Kano
  • Health workers will be able to evaluate the radiation dose on X-ray equipment
  • Reduce unnecessary radiation dose to patients

Radiation safety officers (RSOs)

Health workers

Collaboration between the NNRA, RSOs and medical professionals

  • Radiographers
  • Radiologists
  • Laboratory Technicians

Engage the NNRA during the testing and implementation of the project through conferences and workshops

See next slide for instructions!