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Paper Towels Against Water

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To see if Bounty paper towels can live up to the reputation for being stronger than Viva and Scott paper towels by absorbing more water.

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If I place the same amount of water in a beaker, then Bounty paper towels will absorb more of the water than Scott or Viva.

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3 Beakers


3 brands of paper towels A notebook to write down the results





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  • Label 3 beakers with Bounty, Scott, and Viva
  • Use a ruler to measure, then cut 1 sheet of bounty paper towel 15 cm by 25 cm
  • Measure and cut the same size paper towel as the bounty for 1 sheet of scott paper towel and 1 sheet of viva paper towel
  • Pour 150 ml of water in each labeled beaker
  • Fold each brand of cut paper towel and place them in the beakers labeled for each brand
  • Leave them set for 5 minutes
  • After 5 minutes use the tweezer to remove each piece of paper towel from each beaker as swiftly as possible to avoid any excess water from draining
  • Record the amount of water left in each beaker

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Data Table

Paper Towel Brands

Initial water volume

Beaker Final Water value

Water Absorbed


150 ml

100 mL

50 mL


150 ml

125 mL

25 mL


150 ml

135 mL

15 mL

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Based on my results, Bounty paper towel absorbs more water than Scott and Viva paper towels. This result supported my hypothesis that Bounty is more absorbent than Scott and Viva paper towels.

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Real World Connections

Paper Towels can be very expensive. Knowing what paper towels absorb more, can save you time and money when looking for paper towels.