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Reception Newsletter

Week Beginning: Monday 5th December 2022

Our central idea:

Celebrations are important.

Next week our focus text will be

‘The Nativity Story’

‘A Letter to Santa’


We will be learning the codes /ff/ and /ss/ and the sounds they make. We will be learning how to apply this into reading and writing by reading and writing words containing the sounds.


Our Maths Inquiry sessions we will focus finding ‘more’ and ‘less’. We will be solving number problems using this language too. In our Maths Mastery sessions we will be recognising die patterns to 6 and link die patterns to numbers shown on fingers.


We will be learning how to hold a tool for writing. We will be writing the words taught in our phonics sessions as well as writing our letter to Santa!


We will be learning about the Nativity story we are getting ready to perform. We will be identifying the structure of a letter as well as writing our own letter to Santa. We also will be decorating our Christmas Tree!

Important Dates and Events for this term.

Friday 2nd December- Pantomime trip to Hazlitt Theatre

Friday 9th December- Christmas jumper day

Wednesday 14th December- The Big Little Nativity Performance

Messages for the week.

Please ensure all items of clothing are named!

Our Outdoor Learning Sessions will take place on a Wednesday afternoon. Our P.E. sessions take place on a Wednesday morning.

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Reception Common Exception and High Frequency Words taught from September to Christmas

the I a and this it in at is can as an his

no go so me he be to into of by pull full on but up had not him mum big dad back get got if off