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Gremlins Lurking in the Computer Hardware

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Screen Recording (Highlights!)

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Screen Recording (Full)

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Project Idea & Development

The Experience: An FPS-platformer combination where time moves when you move

The Worldview: The user is a computer virus, acting like a spy to infiltrate a computer system and steal information. They can jump between files in the system to search for this information.

The Motivation: To create a game that takes advantage of VR affordances and caters to both serious and non-serious gamers.

The Goal: Evoke a sense of urgency and heightened tension during each level —> increases feeling of accomplishment upon completion

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Process, Challenges, and Lessons

  • We’d planned out our level pretty well which worked out for us — the levels look coherent enough to be part of the same project.
  • Unity issues that sometimes got fixed just by restarting, some that appeared without any changes being made.
  • Best to start working together early on rather than developing separately (risk of conflicts when merging)
  • At the same time, working with others’ scripts/prefabs also created hiccups
  • Version control software is 😍

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WIP Documentation

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WIP Documentation