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For long-term library subs, clerks, volunteers, etc.

AISD Library Basics

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You can log into a circulation desktop computer without using a personal AISD login.

Logging into the Circulation Computer (at the library circ desk)



If the librarian did not leave information with the 3 letter code, contact Birdie at the LMC.

When you use this login, the computer will only allow access to WorkFlows (the library system software) and catalog.austinisd.org (the online library catalog), so it is only useful for the circ desk computers.

xxx = 3 letter school code, lower case

XXX = 3 letter school code, upper case

0 = zero

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Locate the WorkFlows shortcut on the desktop.

It is a blue and white square with the letters WF.

Double-click to launch WorkFlows Staff Client.

If you get a “Configuration” pop-up box when you launch WF, look at the “IP Address” box.

If it already says “sirsi”, just click OK. If it is blank, type “sirsi” in the box and then click OK.

Open SIRSI/WorkFlows (Library Software System)

To prevent this screen from coming up every time you log in,

click to uncheck the box next to “Show this window on next startup” before clicking OK.

You should see something similar to this while the program is launching.

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XXX = the 3 letter code for your campus.

If the librarian did not leave information with the 3 letter code, contact Birdie at the LMC.

Log In to WorkFlows (Library Software System)

The PIN is the same as the User ID: JXXXAIDE.

Click OK to log in.

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Check Out an Item

- or -

Select “CheckOut”

from the menu.

(On some computers,

you can also click

the F5 key.)

Scan the barcode on the student’s library card.

Bobby G.

- or -

Scan the barcode on the back of the book.

✅ Book Title

✅ Student Name

🠈 this barcode!

🠈 NOT this one!

In the User ID box, type

the student number, no S.

For staff, type the employee number, which may or may not have an E, A, P, or PC before the digits; if it does, include them. Then click…




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Check Out Troubleshooting - Mystery Student!

If the student does not have a card and does not know their student number:


Use the “Name” index to search for the student by name.

Use the drop-down to change the “Library” to ALL_LIBS to see if the student is in the system from another AISD campus.

If you find the student at another campus, contact Birdie to have the student moved to your campus.

If you are unable to find the student in the system at all,

contact Birdie to have the student added.

If more than one student with that name is found, you will get a list and can select the correct student.

Check carefully to make sure you have the right student - many students have similar names!

Click the “User Search” icon (person + magnifying glass).

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Check Out Troubleshooting - User Blocked!

If you get a “User is BLOCKED” pop-up during check out:


Click here to override the block and check out to the student. The override code is BR33ZY. (Do not share the code with students or leave on the desk.)

Click here to investigate what is causing the block.

(Just be mindful of privacy if other students are around.)

Click here to cancel the checkout.

Hover over the book title with the cursor to see the full title.

How overdue is it?


Check with campus administration to discuss if you should override user blocks for overdue books. Do not override the block for having too many items already checked out; the limit is 5 books for elementary, 2 for MS, and 4 for HS.

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Check Out Troubleshooting - Item Not Found in Catalog

If you get an “Item not found in catalog” pop-up when you scan the book barcode:

2. Try typing in the barcode number.

If you continue to get the error message, put a sticky note on the item and set it aside for the librarian to handle later.

1. Make sure you are scanning

the right barcode.

🠈 this barcode!

🠈 NOT this one!

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Check In an Item

- or -

Select “CheckIn”

from the menu.

(On some computers,

you can also click

the F9 key.)

Scan the barcode on the back of the book.

✅ Book Title

🠈 this barcode!

🠈 NOT this one!



This column tells you in which section of the library to reshelve the book. For example, E-BOOK = Everybody Books

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Check In Troubleshooting

Pop Up Box Says:

What You Do:

“Book Reported Lost” or

“Book Marked Missing”

Click “OK” and put the book back on the shelf; there’s no problem.

“Book Marked LostPaid”

Click “Cancel”, set the item aside, and contact Birdie Zamora.

“Item not in catalog.”

Try typing in the barcode number. If you still get the error message, click “OK” and set the item aside with a sticky note for the librarian to deal with later.

“Route/Transit to (SCHOOL NAME)”

Click “Cancel”, set the item aside, and contact Birdie Zamora.

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Help Students and Staff Find Books #1 - Getting to the Online Catalog

OR, to go directly to your campus catalog, add your campus name to the URL: http://catalog.austinisd.org/yourschoolname

Bookmark this page on computers you use regularly or create a desktop shortcut.

Go to http://catalog.austinisd.org and select your

campus level (Elementary, Middle, or High School).

Select your school from the list.

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Help Students and Staff Find Books Using the Online Catalog

The default search is “All Fields”, which searches the title, author, AND subject fields when you type in a word or words.

Use the dropdown menu if you want to search ONLY for title, or author, or subject.

Type your search words into the search box at the top of the page.

Use THIS search box, NOT this one!


Title = Green Eggs and Ham

Author = Riordan

Subject = civil rights

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Help Students and Staff Find Books #3 - Using Online Catalog Results

Use the filters in the left sidebar to narrow down the results.

Once you have typed in your search word(s) and clicked “SEARCH”, you will see the results displayed.

Click to read a Summary and/or Reviews of the book.

The call number tells you where to find the book on the shelf.

Click on a book title for more information.

See if any copies are currently available in your library.

“Location” tells you in which section of the library the item is located.

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Shelving Books

Look at signage and documentation left by the librarian to locate the different sections of the library. Some libraries use color-coded dots or tape, or have special sections; the librarian should have left info on these. If you are unsure of where to shelve books, contact Library Media Services or just set them aside.

Call #


Shelve by…



Ascending number order (000 to 999).



Alphabetical order by author’s last name.



Alphabetical order by author’s last name. NOTE: Some libraries have “genrefied” fiction; shelve by author’s name within each genre.



Alphabetical order by the last name of the person the book is about. (The bottom line of the call number.)



If the library “interfiles” Spanish books (Spanish and English books shelved together), ignore the SP and look at the second line of the call number to see where to shelve the book. If the library shelves Spanish and English books separately, shelve books in order in the Spanish area for each section.

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Help Staff Use the Professional Resource Library

Search the catalog by title, author, or subject the same way you do the campus catalog to find an item you want.

Go to http://catalog.austinisd.org/professional (or go to http://catalog.austinisd.org and click Professional Library).

Staff members can fill out the PRL Materials Request form online. Items will be checked out to the requestor and sent to the campus through Library Logistics.

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CHECK OUT - Quick Reference

CHECK IN - Quick Reference

  • Click “CheckOut” or F5 (some computers)
  • User ID: scan student barcode -OR- type the student number (no S) -OR- for staff type the employee number
  • Item ID: scan barcode on back of book in upper right corner (not at the bottom)
  • Click “CheckIn” or F9 (some computers)
  • Item ID: scan barcode on back of book in upper right corner (not at the bottom)

* Use good judgement when deciding whether to override for overdues. Do not override for too many checkouts.

“User Not Found”

Unknown Student #

“User Search” (person + magnifying glass) to look up by name. If still not found, contact Birdie Zamora.

“User Blocked”

Override* = BR33ZY -OR-

Investigate (“Checkouts” tab) -OR-

Cancel and don’t check out.

“Item Not Found”

Set aside with a sticky note.

“Book Reported Lost”

“Book Marked Missing”

Click “OK” and put the book back on the shelf; there’s no problem.

“Book Marked LostPaid”

“Route/Transit to…”

Click “Cancel”, set the item aside, and contact Birdie Zamora.

“Item not in catalog.”

Type in barcode number. If you still get the error message, set aside with a sticky note.