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How Books Are Published

By Adventurous A

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Author’s process of writing a book

  • Figure out genre
  • Make a story mountain
  • Make a story setting
  • Decide characters
  • Write the book
  • Publish the book and market the book

Did you know - that it takes about 475 hours to write a novel!

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Publishing is selling any piece of media or getting it ready to share with others.

Can you publish yourself

Yes there is something called self-publishing!!

What is a publishing house

What is an author

A publishing house is a place where you can publish your book or any piece of media.

An author is a person who writes books. It can be any book.

Did you know - the youngest author published a book at the age of four - Dorothy Straight

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If you are publishing a children's book it is different than publishing an adult book because children books have pictures and adult books may not have pictures. Even in the same publishing house.

The History of Little Goody Two-Shoes was the first book ever written!

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Publishing a book - if you are a first time author

First an author has to write a story called a manuscript that the publisher can read. Then the author has to get a special person called an agent, who will help the book get published. The agent has to send the book to a lot of publishing houses. After the agent finds an editor, the editor will look through the book and if they like the book, he/she is going to share the book with their coworkers. If the coworkers also like the book, then the editor might publish it. The editor will send an offer to the author if the editor decides to publish the book. The offer tells the author about how much money the editor wants to pay for the book. If the author agrees to the offer, the book is now in the publishing state. In the publishing state the author gets some changes done and the book is sent to the copy-editing department to fix typos, design the cover and graphics . Finally the book is finished and printed! The publishing house now decides where the book is going to be sold.

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Publishing a book - if you already published a book

Well actually the process is the same but if the publishing house likes your style they maybe pay money in advance so you do not go to a different publishing house to get your book published and sold.

Did you know - in the US about 300,000 books are published in a year!!

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My Just Ask 2021 How books are published ~ Kiara