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Reception Newsletter

Week Beginning: Monday 15th May 2023

Our central idea:

Great leaders influence our past, present and future.

Next week our focus texts will be

The Tale of the Castle Mice


We will be learning the codes /se/ and /ze/ and the sounds they make. We will be learning how to apply this into reading and writing by reading and writing words containing the sounds.


In our Maths Inquiry sessions we will be identifying 3D shapes when we will be constructing castles. In our Maths Mastery sessions we will be counting up to 20 objects and reciting numbers up to 100.


We will be developing our writing skills to write about the features of castles.


We will be learning lots about castles and we will be making our own castles too!

Important Dates and Events for this term.

Tuesday 23rd May 2023 2.30pm: PYP exhibition at 2.30pm

Thursday 25th May 2023: Leeds Castle trip

Messages for the week.

Please ensure all items of clothing are named!

Our Outdoor Learning Sessions will take place on a Wednesday afternoon. Our P.E. sessions take place on a Wednesday morning.

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Reception Common Exception and High Frequency Words taught from September to Christmas

the I a and this it in at is can as an his

no go so me he be to into of by pull full on but up had not him mum big dad back get got if off

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Reception Common Exception and High Frequency Words taught from January to Easter

Recap of all words taught and then:

was you they all are my her she we said says do too for

oh today put with went will old

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Reception Common Exception and High Frequency Words taught from Easter to the end of Term 6

Recap of all words taught and then:

has their our made your Mr Mrs see them down that then look now from just

have like some come were there little one when out what love where here friend came people saw push very help it’s children

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Our Fluency Reading text for the week:

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Our Fluency Words for the week:

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Maths recap for the week: Numbers to 20

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Then create your own!