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Strategic Plan:

Social & Emotional Supports for Students

Board of Education Update

April 8, 2019

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3.1 Create a cohesive and systematic multi-tiered system of support framework for social-emotional learning.

Timeline & Result

2018-2019: Review current district needs and research on MTSS and social-emotional learning. Develop a 3 to 5-year rollout plan for Ralston’s MTSS social-emotional framework.

2019-2020: Build a common understanding of resiliency and trauma-informed practices that support students social-emotional development. Begin implementation and building capacity within the MTSS social-emotional framework.

2020-2021: Continue implementation of the MTSS social-emotional framework.

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A Year in Review

  • Established a Character Advisory
  • Completed a needs assessment of practices, outreach, professional learning, and assessments across all tiers
  • Staff attended professional learning to explore options and opportunities
    • MTSS
    • Social Emotional Development
    • Behavior / Function-based behavior
    • Social Emotional Programming Resources & Tools
    • Responsive Classrooms
  • Drafted a MTSS Social Emotional Framework (will be reviewed by the Character Advisory for input on April 11th)

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Outcomes for 2018-2019

  • A district MTSS Social Emotional Framework is developed
  • Completion of the needs assessment
  • Administration of the MTSS Self-Assessment
  • Identify data points / assessments for program evaluation
  • Drafted a 3 to 5 year plan for implementation