1 of 80

6th Grade Austens

Monday, February 26

2 of 80


“You always pass failure on the way to success.”

-Mickey Rooney

What does this quote mean to you?

3 of 80


  • Wordly Wise 17A-E due Friday
  • Weekly grades check due Friday
  • Wordly Wise 17 quizzes Monday
  • Roots quiz 11-15 Monday
  • Test on “Jackie Robinson” text Thursday

Get out your copy of The Giver.

Turn in your Critical Thinking questions and Reading Warm-up A if you didn’t on Friday.

4 of 80


Today I’ll be able to...

  • Read aloud and write down homework
  • Spelling quiz 16
  • Vocabulary 16 quiz and roots quiz 6-10
  • Continue working on Friday’s assignments:
    • Read “The Shutout” and answer questions 1-4 (428-432)
    • Practice Test pgs. 436-437
  • Determine the meaning of an unknown word using Greek and Latin roots.�
  • Identify hard-to-find subjects.�
  • Use context as a clue to determine the meaning of a word.

5 of 80


Describe your weekend using at least two vocabulary words.

6 of 80

6th Grade Austens

Tuesday, February 27

7 of 80


Were you ever given a responsibility that you couldn’t handle?

8 of 80


  • Wordly Wise 17A-E due Friday
  • Weekly grades check due Friday
  • Wordly Wise 17 quizzes Monday
  • Roots quiz 11-15 Monday
  • Finish reading “The Shutout” and answering critical thinking questions 1-4 if not completed in class.
  • Practice test 436-437 if not completed in class
  • Test on “Jackie Robinson” Thursday

Get out your copy of The Giver if you didn’t turn it in yesterday.

9 of 80


Today I’ll be able to...

  • Finish reading “The Shutout” and answering Critical Thinking questions 1-4.
  • Complete the practice test on pages 436-437.
  • Work on Wordly Wise 17A-E when you finish.
  • Small groups with Mrs. Finch: Labeling nonfiction text structures
  • Determine the meaning of an unknown word using Greek and Latin roots.�
  • Identify text structure while reading nonfiction texts. �
  • Identify author’s purpose.�
  • Recall important details from nonfiction texts.

10 of 80


List some nonfiction text structures - how do they aid in your comprehension?

11 of 80

6th Grade Austens

Wednesday, February 28

12 of 80


Did you ever catch fireflies? Crickets? Frogs? Snakes?

13 of 80


  • Wordly Wise 17A-E due Friday
  • Weekly grades check due Friday
  • Wordly Wise 17 quizzes Monday
  • Roots quiz 11-15 Monday
  • Test on “Jackie Robinson” tomorrow

Get out your copy of The Giver if you didn’t turn it in yesterday.

Turn in critical thinking questions and practice test questions if not turned in yesterday.

14 of 80

Roots 11-15



Biology, biome, biosphere



Abbreviate, brevity



Carnivorous, incarnate,

Caus, caut

Burn, heat

Cauldron, caustic

Ced, ceed, cede, cess

Move, yield, go, surrender

Procedure, proceed, success, concede,

15 of 80

Comparative and Superlative Adjectives (434)

Adj. - words that describe nouns (people, places, and things)

  • Add -er or -est if the word is one or two syllables.
    • Nicer, nicest OR taller, tallest
  • Use the words more or most if the word is three or more syllables.
    • More beautiful , most beautiful
  • Comparative adjectives describe two people, places, or things. MORE, -ER
  • Superlative adjectives describe THREE or more nouns. MOST, -EST
      • Older: comparative (describes 2 things)
      • More expensive: comparative (comparing 2 things)
      • Easiest: superlative (comparing three or more things)
      • Wisest: superlative
      • Stronger: comparative

16 of 80

Vocabulary (420)

Retaliate: Punished in return for an injury or a wrong done

Integrate: Remove all barriers and allow free association; bring together as a whole

Petition: Document that people sign to express demands

Sup-, Super- greater than normal (ROOT)

17 of 80


Today I’ll be able to...

  • Read aloud and write down homework�
  • Labeling nonfiction text features notes�
  • “Jackie Robinson: Justice at Last” review - take notes
  • Identify features of nonfiction texts. �
  • Recall important details from the text. �

18 of 80


List some nonfiction text structures - how do they aid in your comprehension?

19 of 80

6th Grade Austens

Thursday, March 1

20 of 80


Did you ever catch fireflies? Crickets? Frogs? Snakes?

21 of 80


  • Wordly Wise 17A-E due tomorrow
  • Weekly grades check due Friday
  • Wordly Wise 17 quizzes Monday
  • Roots quiz 11-15 Monday

Get out your copy of The Giver if you didn’t turn it in yesterday.

22 of 80


Today I’ll be able to...

  • Read aloud and write down homework
  • “Jackie Robinson” test
  • Nouns 6.1 Notes
  • Nouns 6.1 practice
  • Review answers to “Jackie Robinson” test

  • Identify nouns in a sentence. �
  • Recall important details while thinking critically about the text. �

23 of 80


What are nouns?

24 of 80

6th Grade Austens

Friday, March 2

25 of 80


Did you ever catch fireflies? Crickets? Frogs? Snakes?

26 of 80


  • Wordly Wise 17A-E due tomorrow
  • Wordly Wise 17 quizzes Monday
  • Roots quiz 11-15 Monday

Get out your copy of The Giver if you didn’t turn it in yesterday.

Get out weekly grades check. Due today!

27 of 80


Today I’ll be able to...

  • Read aloud and write down homework
  • Review answers to Wordly Wise 17
  • Nouns 6.2 Notes
  • Nouns 6.2 practice
  • Read aloud from Ms. Lanham
  • DEAR

  • Recall important details in order to summarize a text.
  • Use context clues to determine the meanings of words.
  • Use new vocabulary words correctly in a sentence.

28 of 80


Use one of this week’s vocabulary words in a sentence while discussing what we read in today’s read aloud.

29 of 80

6th Grade Shakespeares

Monday, February 26

30 of 80


“You always pass failure on the way to success.”

-Mickey Rooney

What does this quote mean to you?

31 of 80


  • Wordly Wise 17A-E due Friday
  • Weekly grades check due Friday
  • Wordly Wise 17 quizzes Monday
  • Roots quiz 11-15 Monday
  • Finish reading “The Shutout” and answering critical thinking questions 1-4 if not completed in class.
  • Test on “The Shutout” Wednesday

Get out your copy of Brown Girl Dreaming.

32 of 80


Today I’ll be able to...

  • Read aloud and write down homework
  • Spelling quiz 16
  • Vocabulary 16 quiz and roots quiz 6-10
  • Continue working on Friday’s assignments:
    • Read “The Shutout” and answer questions 1-4 (428-432)
    • Practice Test pgs. 436-437
  • Review answers to Wordly Wise 16 quizzes and roots quiz
  • Hard to Find Subjects notes and practice
  • Work on Wordly Wise 17
  • Small groups with Mrs. Finch
    • Nonfiction text structures
  • Determine the meaning of an unknown word using Greek and Latin roots.�
  • Identify hard-to-find subjects.�
  • Use context as a clue to determine the meaning of a word.

33 of 80


Describe your weekend using at least two vocabulary words.

34 of 80

6th Grade Shakespeares

Tuesday, February 27

35 of 80


Were you ever given a responsibility that you couldn’t handle?

36 of 80


  • Wordly Wise 17A-E due Friday
  • Weekly grades check due Friday
  • Wordly Wise 17 quizzes Monday
  • Roots quiz 11-15 Monday
  • Test on “The Shutout” tomorrow

Get out your copy of Brown Girl Dreaming if you didn’t turn it in yesterday.

37 of 80


Today I’ll be able to...

  • “The Shutout” review
  • Nonfiction text features notes
  • Nonfiction text features practice
  • Identify text features while reading nonfiction texts. �
  • Identify author’s purpose.�
  • Recall important details from nonfiction texts.

38 of 80


List some nonfiction text features - how do they aid in your comprehension?

39 of 80

6th Grade Shakespeares

Wednesday, February 28

40 of 80


Did you ever catch fireflies? Crickets? Frogs? Snakes?

41 of 80


  • Wordly Wise 17A-E due Friday
  • Weekly grades check due Friday
  • Wordly Wise 17 quizzes Monday
  • Roots quiz 11-15 Monday

Get out your copy of Brown Girl Dreaming if you didn’t turn it in yesterday.

42 of 80

Roots 11-15



Biology, biome, biosphere



Abbreviate, brevity



Carnivorous, incarnate,

Caus, caut

Burn, heat

Cauldron, caustic

Ced, ceed, cede, cess

Move, yield, go, surrender

Procedure, proceed, success, concede,

43 of 80


Today I’ll be able to...

  • Read aloud and write down homework�
  • “The Shutout” test�
  • Nouns notes and practice 1.1
  • Identify nouns in a sentence.�
  • Recall important details from the text. �
  • Identify author’s purpose.

44 of 80


List some nonfiction text structures - how do they aid in your comprehension?

45 of 80

6th Grade Shakespeares

Thursday, March 1

46 of 80


Did you ever catch fireflies? Crickets? Frogs? Snakes?

47 of 80


  • Wordly Wise 17A-E due tomorrow
  • Weekly grades check due Friday
  • Wordly Wise 17 quizzes Monday
  • Roots quiz 11-15 Monday

Get out your copy of Brown Girl Dreaming if you didn’t turn it in yesterday.

48 of 80


Today I’ll be able to...

  • Read aloud and write down homework�
  • Review answers to 1.1 practice questions�
  • Review answers to “The Shutout” test questions�
  • Review annotation guidelines if time allows

  • Identify nouns in a sentence. �
  • Recall important details while thinking critically about the text. �
  • Annotate a text effectively.

49 of 80


What are nouns?

50 of 80

6th Grade Shakespeares

Friday, March 2

51 of 80


Did you ever catch fireflies? Crickets? Frogs? Snakes?

52 of 80


  • Wordly Wise 17A-E due tomorrow
  • Wordly Wise 17 quizzes Monday
  • Roots quiz 11-15 Monday

Get out your copy of Brown Girl Dreaming if you didn’t turn it in yesterday.

Get out weekly grades check. Due today!

53 of 80


Today I’ll be able to...

  • Read aloud and write down homework
  • Review answers to Wordly Wise 17
  • Nouns 2.2 Notes
  • Nouns 2.2 practice
  • Read aloud from Ms. Lanham
  • DEAR

  • Recall important details in order to summarize a text. �
  • Use context clues to determine the meanings of words. �
  • Use new vocabulary words correctly in a sentence. �
  • Identify compound nouns.

54 of 80


Use one of this week’s vocabulary words in a sentence while discussing what we read in today’s read aloud.

55 of 80

6th Grade Tolkiens

Monday, February 26

56 of 80


“You always pass failure on the way to success.”

-Mickey Rooney

What does this quote mean to you?

57 of 80


  • Wordly Wise 17A-E due Thursday
  • Weekly grades check due Friday
  • Wordly Wise 17 quizzes Monday
  • Roots quiz 11-15 Monday
  • Finish reading “The Shutout” and answering critical thinking questions 1-4 if not completed in class.
  • Test on “The Shutout” Wednesday

Get out your copy of Brown Girl Dreaming.

58 of 80


Today I’ll be able to...

  • Read aloud and write down homework
  • Spelling quiz 16
  • Vocabulary 16 quiz and roots quiz 6-10
  • Continue working on Friday’s assignments:
    • Read “The Shutout” and answer questions 1-4 (428-432)
    • Practice Test pgs. 436-437
  • Review answers to Wordly Wise 16 quizzes and roots quiz
  • Hard to Find Subjects notes and practice
  • Work on Wordly Wise 17
  • Small groups with Mrs. Finch
    • Nonfiction text structures
  • Determine the meaning of an unknown word using Greek and Latin roots.�
  • Identify hard-to-find subjects.�
  • Use context as a clue to determine the meaning of a word.

59 of 80


Describe your weekend using at least two vocabulary words.

60 of 80

6th Grade Tolkiens

Tuesday, February 27

61 of 80


Were you ever given a responsibility that you couldn’t handle?

62 of 80


  • Wordly Wise 17A-E due Thursday
  • Weekly grades check due Friday
  • Wordly Wise 17 quizzes Monday
  • Roots quiz 11-15 Monday
  • Test on “The Shutout” tomorrow

Get out your copy of Brown Girl Dreaming if you didn’t turn it in yesterday.

63 of 80


Today I’ll be able to...

  • Read aloud and write down homework.
  • “The Shutout” review
  • Nonfiction text features notes
  • Nonfiction text features practice
  • Identify text features while reading nonfiction texts. �
  • Identify author’s purpose.�
  • Recall important details from nonfiction texts.

64 of 80


List some nonfiction text features - how do they aid in your comprehension?

65 of 80

6th Grade Tolkiens

Wednesday, February 28

66 of 80


Did you ever catch fireflies? Crickets? Frogs? Snakes?

67 of 80


  • Wordly Wise 17A-E due tomorrow
  • Weekly grades check due Friday
  • Wordly Wise 17 quizzes Monday
  • Roots quiz 11-15 Monday
  • Bring a book Friday for DEAR

Get out your copy of Brown Girl Dreaming if you didn’t turn it in yesterday.

68 of 80

Roots 11-15



Biology, biome, biosphere



Abbreviate, brevity



Carnivorous, incarnate,

Caus, caut

Burn, heat

Cauldron, caustic

Ced, ceed, cede, cess

Move, yield, go, surrender

Procedure, proceed, success, concede,

69 of 80


Today I’ll be able to...

  • Read aloud and write down homework
  • “The Shutout” test
  • Finished? Work on nouns notes and practice 1.1
  • Review answers to test
  • Review answers to nouns notes 1.1
  • Review annotation guidelines if time allows
  • Identify nouns in a sentence.�
  • Recall important details from the text. �
  • Identify author’s purpose.�
  • Annotate a text effectively while thinking critically about the text.

70 of 80


List some nonfiction text structures - how do they aid in your comprehension?

71 of 80

6th Grade Tolkiens

Thursday, March 1

72 of 80


Did you ever catch fireflies? Crickets? Frogs? Snakes?

73 of 80


  • Weekly grades check due tomorrow
  • Wordly Wise 17 quizzes Monday
  • Roots quiz 11-15 Monday
  • Bring a book tomorrow for DEAR.

Get out your copy of Brown Girl Dreaming if you didn’t turn it in yesterday.

74 of 80


Today I’ll be able to...

  • Read aloud and write down homework�
  • Review answers to Wordly Wise 17A-E�
  • Nouns 2.2 Notes�
  • Nouns 2.2 practice�
  • Journal: Who is your role model? Describe the person and explain how he or she provides an example of an attribute or ability to which the students aspire.
  • Identify nouns in a sentence. �
  • Recall important details while thinking critically about the text. �
  • Annotate a text effectively.

75 of 80


What are nouns?

76 of 80

6th Grade Tolkiens

Friday, March 2

77 of 80


Did you ever catch fireflies? Crickets? Frogs? Snakes?

78 of 80


  • Wordly Wise 17A-E due tomorrow
  • Wordly Wise 17 quizzes Monday
  • Roots quiz 11-15 Monday

Get out your copy of Brown Girl Dreaming if you didn’t turn it in yesterday.

Get out weekly grades check. Due today!

79 of 80


Today I’ll be able to...

  • Read aloud and write down homework�
  • Read aloud from Ms. Lanham�
  • DEAR

  • Recall important details in order to summarize a text. �
  • Use context clues to determine the meanings of words. �
  • Use new vocabulary words correctly in a sentence. �
  • Identify compound nouns.

80 of 80


What are you currently reading for fun? Who wrote it? Why did you choose it?