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Tulsa Learning Academy


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Tulsa Learning Academy School Expectations

  • Tulsa Learning Academy Expectations
    • All students must communicate through provided TPS Student Gmail Accounts ONLY. TLA success and attendance is determined by progress on the Edgenuity platform. Student schedules are created to best serve students.
    • If a student is dropped from TLA for attendance, they will have to report back to their home school.
    • Students will be provided a Success Plan and Pacing Guide. Students who are not on track may be required to attend a morning or afternoon session.
    • Students are required to wear student IDs at all times.
    • Students must sign in and out of the main office.
    • All students must sign up for the REMIND APP with their advisors.
    • Students will be required to meet periodically with their advisors.
    • Students need to check your emails or the Tulsa Learning Academy Facebook page every Friday for the weekly newsletter to stay up to date.

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Tulsa Learning Academy Student Expectations

  • Stay on pace with your Success Plan and Pacing Guide
  • Get to know your advisor and know they are here to help you!
  • Come to school ready to learn.
  • Work hard and do your best in school.
  • Commit to work independently (at home).
  • Follow directions from adults the first time asked.
  • Respect individuals and cultural differences.
  • Respect yourself by investing time and energy into you and your future!
  • Disruptive students will be directed to work from home.

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Tulsa Learning Academy Student Behavior Expectations

  • Cell phones must be put away while in the classrooms.
  • Food or drinks are not allowed in classrooms
  • Follow Dress Code
  • Students must use quiet voices when school is in session.
  • When the session is over, students must leave TLA.
  • Misuse of technology will not be tolerated.


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Tulsa Learning Academy Dress Code

Any dress or style that is provocative, disruptive, or extreme is not considered acceptable. To further clarify this statement, the following guidelines are given:


Clothing Above the Waist: Shirts that are see-through, or with inappropriate or vulgar

illustrations, or words that are sexual in nature, or that make reference to illegal drugs, or advertise

tobacco or alcohol products shall not be worn. Shirts should cover the body in a manner that

shows no visible cleavage, torso, or underwear. No racer-back shirts will be allowed. Tops &

dresses with visible shoulder straps less than 1 ½” in width are prohibited as they distract from

pupil learning. Boy’s shirts shall have sleeves that cover the underarms.



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Tulsa Learning Academy Dress Code continued…


Clothing Below the Waist: The article of clothing worn below the waist must be appropriate as determined by the adults at TLA. Sagging is not allowed. Dresses and skirts may be approximately 2”

above the knee. Shorts must be fingertip length.



The state law requires students to wear shoes during the hours that school is in session

and when they are participating in or on the school grounds. No house shoes or shoes

with rollers are allowed.


Hats and Caps, and Other Head Coverings

Hats, caps and other head coverings will not be worn by either sex in the school

building. Exceptions for religious head dress may be approved by school staff.


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Tulsa Public Schools Cell Phone Policy


  • Students may use their devices during the lunch hour (and breakfast).
  • Students may use their devices during passing periods.
  • Students are prohibited from using their electronic device in the classroom(s).
  • With prior written administrative approval, teachers may incorporate classroom activities that use electronic devices.
  • Students using their electronic device in areas prohibited will have their electronic device immediately confiscated.

NOTE: If the electronic devices is used to disrupt the learning environment or compromise the safety of the school, the student may be disciplined under other categories in the Behavior Response Plan as appropriate. While the use of electronic devices by students is allowed subject to these rules, students may not take, store, or transmit a photo, record a video or record the voice of an individual without prior consent. In no event may students take pictures or record video or other images in restrooms, locker rooms, changing rooms, nurses' offices, or other locations where students and staff have a reasonable expectation of privacy. Students may not use electronic devices to exploit personal in- formation or compromise the integrity of educational programs. The possession or transmission of pornographic material on school property is strictly prohibited and is subject to both administrative and criminal sanctions.


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TLA Breakfast and Lunch

Students who want breakfast and/or lunch must be at school before 9:00 and let Ms. McBean Freeman know they are requesting breakfast or lunch.

Students on free/ reduced lunch are able to eat breakfasts and/or lunches for free. Students who are not on free/ reduced lunch must pay $2.80 for student lunch. You can pay online at https://www.payforit.net/. If you have questions about your lunch status, please call Child Nutrition at 918-833-8677, 918-833-8690, or 918-833-8670.��

9:00 Breakfast

12:45 Lunch

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TLA Attendance

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TLA Communications

Communication at TLA is primarily through your provided TPS Gmail Account. Your email has the following configuration:

-your first name as it appears on PowerSchool (legal name)

-first initial of your last name as it appears on PowerSchool (legal name)

-two-digit month of birth

-two-digit day of birth





Example: John Jamison born on August 7 would enter

johnj0807@ student.k12.tulsaschools.org


Your student identification number is your password.

*Enter this information on the template provided.

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All about you! (Please ensure you submit two surveys.)

  • Student Intake Information

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Tulsa Learning Academy

  • Read the following slides and take notes in the provided materials.

  • There will be a short quiz at the end of the slides to check your understanding of our program.

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Edgenuity Learning Platform

    • This information will be provided to you!

    • Use your student ID number.

*Enter this information on the template provided.

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Competency Based Proficiency

  • Your success at TLA is competency based: this means that the platform only “teaches” you on items you do not know.
  • Students complete:
    • Prescriptive Tests
    • Quizzes
    • Unit/ Topic Test
    • Cumulative (End of Course) Exam

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Prescriptive Test

  • Prescriptive Tests are given at the beginning of the course to assess knowledge and remove coursework based on mastery. Prescriptive tests allow the platform to remove content from future learning. All prescriptive tests must be taken at TLA.

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  • Quizzes are 10 question quiz at the end of each lesson.
  • Students will first take a pre-quiz.
  • When/if students score an 80% or better on the pre-quiz, they can move forward on the platform.
  • Students get two attempts beyond the pre-quiz.
    • Students must meet with the content teacher if he/she is not successful on quizzes.
  • Students must score at least a 70% on quizzes in order to move forward on the platform.

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Unit and/or Topic Tests

  • Unit/ Topic tests are 25 question tests at the end of each unit/topic.
  • Students are expected to perform at least a 70% on these tests. Students are limited to 3 attempts.
    • Students must meet with the content teacher if he/she is not successful on tests.

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Cumulative/ Final Exam

  • Cumulative Exams are 50 question exams at the end of the course.
  • Cumulative Exams are 20% of the students’ final grades.
  • Students are limited to 1 attempt on these exams.
  • All cumulative/ final exams must be taken at TLA.

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Tulsa Learning Academy Course Timelines

  • TLA is set up so students work can work on one or two courses at a time to match Student Success Plan and Pacing Guide.

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TLA Program Check for Understanding

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Let’s Get Started!

  • Login to the platform at take your first prescriptive test. Remember this test can remove content from future learning. Good Luck! After you complete this test, you will go meet with your advisor to go over expectations at TLA.
