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Project Maui Using News Sentiment to Predict Stock Price Movements

Ava Lee, Brody Wacker, Devin Nigro, Richard Bertrand

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Project Goal

Original Goal

  • Predict intraday movement in stock price between the current point in time and the end of the trading day to determine if a trade will be profitable by end of day.
  • Machine learning model to be implemented that took in average news sentiment between h0 and h-24 (h = hour) as features, and intraday change in price between h0 and 4pm as the target on a rolling single-day basis historically .

Actual Goal

  • Predict change in price between yesterday’s stock price and today’s stock price to determine if there is a positive or negative change in price day over day.

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  • Lack of affordable availability of historical intraday stock price data
    • Had to change scope of project from intraday predictions to day over day
  • News API only allows for 30 days of historical articles to be pulled in
    • Limited training data likely affects the accuracy of our model


  • IEX Finance - historical stock price data
  • News API / Reuters - historical news articles

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News Sentiment Model

  • Pulled 20 Articles per day from news API
    • Could only pull for past 30 days
    • Request limitations informed Dataframe Structure
  • Cleaned up articles using Lemmatization and stop word removal
    • Marginally affected polarity score
  • Applied Vader Sentiment Analyzer to return Polarity Score

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Machine Learning Model

  • Logit model from scikit-learn linear models
    • LSTM and 3-layer sequential models from tensorflow & keras
  • Model selection varies by industry

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Is the glass half full?

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Actual vs. OLS Predicted Returns for Disney over the Past 5 Days

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Next Steps

With more time, we would have done the following:

  • Algorithm to parse keywords from company names to improve relevance of news articles pulled from the News API
  • Need to incorporate handling for when there is no news on a given day
  • Weight news sentiment scores closer in time to have greater significance in the machine learning model, as more recent news articles likely have a greater impact on price change
  • Improve user interface + model customization
    • Explore front-end libraries to improve aesthetics
    • Incorporate additional adjustable parameters for investment recommendation bounds, news sources, number of days to account for in machine learning model, lags in machine learning model, etc.

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What is the predicted return (in %) if prediction is -1 and actual move is -0.005?

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What does this mean?

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3-layer Neural Network Model

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Gradient Boosting

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Decision Trees New vs. Old



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Predictions on

Positive vs. Negative News

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Sample Model Outputs