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March 10, 2023


CEO Peter Bell




Provide company name plus your name and title, address, email, and cell number.


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Problem / Opportunity

Crisis in Canadian public markets for junior mining stocks?

Pubco caught by chicken-egg problem where no funding meets no field work .


Describe the pain that you‘re alleviating or the pleasure you‘re providing. The goal is to change the pulse rate of the investors.

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Value Proposition

What’s the delta between a broken shell versus a healthy pubco ? $2M vs $20M ?

Can we capture this delta by using different strategy than our competition?

Explain the value of the pain you alleviate or the value of the pleasure you provide.

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Underlying Magic


Describe the technology, secret sauce, or magic behind your product. The less text and the more diagrams, schematics, and flowcharts the better. If you have a prototype or demo, this is the time to transition to it. “If a picture is worth 1000 words, a prototype is worth 1,000 pictures.”

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Business Model

Aggressive options on bullish properties from vendors who can do exploration work on shares-for-services basis.

Unleash the prospectors on their own properties and work to find partners.

Explain who has your money temporarily in their pockets and how you're going to get it into yours.

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Go-To-Market Plan

Priority customer: shareholders�- Will we access equity funding? �

Priority customer: prospectors

- More projects? Good work?

Explain how you are going to reach your customer without breaking the bank. “Go viral,” btw, is total bullshit.

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Competitive Analysis

“Real” exploration done by major mining companies? Juniors do “promotion”?

Huge competition for good shareholders.�Light competition for great prospectors.

Opportunity: big incentives for both?

Provide a complete view of the competitive landscape. And saying that you‘re “more passionate”’ is utterly meaningless.

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Management Team

“Show me the incentives and I will show you the outcomes.” CEO Peter Bell��Directors: Maxime Lepine, Tek Manhas

CFO Ashley Nadon; Secy. Connor Sarsfield

Describe the key members of your management team, board of directors, and board of advisors as well as your major investors. It‘s okay if you have less than a perfect team. If your team was perfect, you wouldn‘t be pitching.

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Financial projections


Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Working Capital

Low �(Less $50K)

Moderate�(Approx $250K)

Higher�(Approx $1M)

Higher�(Approx $1M)

Exploration Spending

(Monthly average over 12 months)

Non-cash: $40K / month��Cash: $0

Non-cash: $100K / month��Cash: $50K/month

Non-cash: $200K / month��Cash: $100K/month

Non-cash: $400K / month��Cash: $20K/month

Equity Funding Needs



(Annual cash exploration plus working capital)


(Annual cash exploration plus working capital)


(Annual cash exploration plus working capital)

Provide a three-year forecast containing not only dollars but key metrics such as the number of customers and conversion rate. Do a bottom-up, not top-down, analysis. You are not going to get 1 percent of the people in China...

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Current Status, Timeline

Current product KLM 1.0: working capital weak, but testing concept of prospector partnerships with shares-for-services…

Product KLM 2.0 better funding allows for better work with more better partners?

Explain the current status of your product, what the next version looks like, and how you’ll use the money you’re trying to raise.

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Note: this document includes forward-looking statements.
