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What does

The French Revolution


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For the following slides:

  • Identify the person / event (include dates)
  • How does the person / event tie into the French Revolution?
  • What evidence of change do you see in the person / event?
  • Is there any continuity?


What thematic links / groupings / connections can you make (mob mentality, women, politics, etc.)?

  • You may rearrange the order of the slides any way you want, color code, list your groupings on the Grouping Slide, or show connections any other way you can come up with.

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Louis XVI

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Marie Antoinette

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Life at Versailles

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Women March on Versailles

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The Enlightenment

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Storming the Bastille

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Maximilien Robespierre

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Tennis Court Oath

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Jacques Necker

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Jean-Paul Marat - “Friend of the People”

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Jacques Louis David

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Committee of Public Safety

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Ancien Regime

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War with Austria, Prussia

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sans culottes

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Declaration of the Rights of Man

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Georges Danton

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Grouping Slide