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Islamic Contributions


Mission Summary: Ascendancy

Essential Question

Visual Summary

How did the Empire of Islam use trade and learning to expand?

Clearly, at least at first, conquest played a huge role in the growth of the Islamic Empire. This growing empire, however, enforced a peace that hadn’t existed before leading to an increase in trade and learning. As traders went out, particularly to Africa, they took their religion and language with them. Was this method possibly more effective than conquest?

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Ascendancy 3: �Trade and Tech

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Arabia was in the middle of the Silk Road which meant many wanted to pass through it.

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Roman Empire

Islamic Empire


Barbarians! Scary!

The Spice Trade

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There was a tax on non-Muslims living in their land. If you convert, don’t pay!

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The traders helped spread Islam and Arabic by offering better deals to any who converted.

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Africa has:�Gold

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Africa wants:�Salt

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Arabia wants:�Gold

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Arabia has:

�Well… uh…

What do you want again?

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Big Desert


Excuse me, may I buy some cheap salt?

I will trade my valuable salt for your “worthless” gold!

Muslim merchants used their trade routes to buy salt in Northern Africa and then trade it for gold in the south.

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Ghana – an African empire built largely through the trade of gold and salt.

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African Side

Main Street (dividing line)

Muslim Side

Many Africans became Muslim to have better access to markets and trade.

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Mansa Musa– African king who converted and then supported Islam.

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Mansa Musa

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Islam also spread into South-east Asia using trade and wealth.

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Muslim scholars greatly advanced medicine and even invented algebra.

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The empire became a storehouse of knowledge from all over the world.

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Today’s Big

How did trade help Islam grow?

Traders carried Islam to far off lands.

How did Mansa Musa help Islam grow?

Giving away gold

How did knowledge help Islam grow?

Better healthcare and technology