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10/9 DECA Meeting

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  • Coordinator Applications
  • Competition Prep
  • Deloitte Competition Opportunity
  • Reminders and Housekeeping

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Coordinator Applications

  • Open to new and returning members
  • Work under a vice president
    • Help with various tasks
  • Great leadership opportunity for your resume to help you stand out for employers!

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Coordinator Applications

  • Link for application!
  • Brief explanation of roles…

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Coordinator Applications

  • Applications due: 10/15 @11:59pm- hard deadline
  • Please email your application to the DECA email
  • Make sure you rank positions in order of preference
    • This does not assure you get your #1 pick

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If you have additional questions about the coordinator application, please contact Bailey Jenness (bjenness@wisc.edu)

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Competition Prep - Tips for Success

  • Performance Indicators - MOST IMPORTANT
  • Well prepared presentation
  • Confidence, eye contact, enthusiasm
  • Timing
  • Know the facts of the case, and use them
  • Individual: STUDY FOR EXAM!


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Performance Indicators

  • Word for word address every performance indicator
  • Helpful to title your slides as them and use as a layout
  • These are what you are judged on- everything else matters less

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Performance Indicators

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If these were my performance indicators… I would make my slide titles:

  • Lodging Accommodation Types
  • Lodging Accommodation Classifications
  • Property Differentiators

  • The Competitive Advantage
  • Consistency in delivery of brand values
  • Consistency in delivery of service guarantees

*Not necessarily in this order*

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  • Make a “skeleton” prior to competition (or possibly multiple)
  • Keep your slides easy to read and easy to edit
  • Find what works best for you (and your partner)
    • What happens if you lose connection (sometimes an issue)


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Tips and Tricks- Confidence, Eye Contact, Enthusiasm

  • Even if you aren’t confident:
    • Maintain eye contact
    • Smile
    • Shake hand confidently
    • Use A LOT of enthusiasm
  • Answer questions confidently even if you don’t know what you are talking about
  • Your people skills will set you apart

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  • You have 15 minutes to make an impression- how will you use them?
  • DO NOT: talk all 15 minutes… you need time to be asked/answer questions
    • Allocate at least a couple of minutes
  • DO: develop your presentation in a way that doesn’t overload on info
  • You may want to allocate times for breaks/ questions
    • In the middle of presentation, use your best judgement

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Know the Facts

  • Your prompt will include a lot of stats and information that may (or may not) be important
  • Learn the facts and use them
    • Makes it seem like you know the prompt

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Individual: EXAM PREP

  • Your score is a combination of exam and presentation
    • If you do not do well on the exam, it will likely change your placement
  • Prepping will help you do well
  • Resources:
    • Practice exams on the website (based on your events career cluster)
    • A lot of quizlets and other online resources if you look up “DECA x exam practice”
    • If you need more, feel free to reach out to me (ssamels@wisc.edu)

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If you have additional questions about Competition Prep, please contact Sean Samels (ssamels@wisc.edu)

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Deloitte Case

  • 2024 Deloitte Risk and Financial Advisory Cyber Threat Competition
  • Top 3 teams get cash prizes
  • Open to all majors and grade levels
  • Compete in real world scenarios to showcase your knowledge and grapple with challenges that are faced in the industry

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Dues/ Finances

  • $65 → Cash or Venmo (@DECA_UW)
  • Due October 22nd
  • Reach out if you have any concerns (there are plenty of options)
  • Goes towards national/state DECA fees, t-shirts, etc.
  • These dues are for the ENTIRE year!

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  • All of these forms are very important!
  • If you have not filled out the event interest form or the mentorship form please do TONIGHT!!!
  • Link to event interest form
  • Link to mentor program form
    • Mentorship pairings will be coming out this week!

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Upcoming: Trick-or-Can

When: All October!

Recommended items:

  • Pasta
  • Cereal
  • Canned fruits and vegetables
  • Canned soup
  • Rice
  • Any non-perishable goods

We will also accept Venmo donations: @DECA_UW

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Reminders/Upcoming Events

  • Coming up
    • Next meeting: 10/23 at 6:00pm
    • Our first speaker meeting!
  • Check email for updates!
  • Check out our website for meeting links, competition prep, contact information, and more!!

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Follow Us on Social Media!

UW Madison Collegiate DECA


