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9/26 DECA Meeting

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  • Picking an Event
  • Mentorship Program
  • Reminders/ Housekeeping
  • Time to Talk with the Exec Board

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Career Clusters

*Good Starting Place*

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Types of Events

Case Study/ Role-Play

*Correlating Comp-Site linked*

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Prepared Event

  • Prepare prior to competition
  • Ranges from 1-3 people (varies by category)
  • Some require a 15 page paper
  • Presentation time is 20 minutes (1-2 judges)
  • Less populated
  • Less allocated chapter prep time**

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Prepared Event


Career Cluster

Who to talk to

Advertising Campaign


Business Research

Business Manage. + Admin.

Entrepreneurship-Starting a Business


Entrepreneurship-Growing Your Business


Emerging Technology Marketing Strategies


Professional Sales


*Email Linked*

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Case Study- Individual

  • Propose a solution/ response to a prompt *will show*
  • 30-minute preparation time (with computer)
  • 15-minute presentation time (1-2 judges)
  • Do not see prompt prior to prep time
  • Score composed of role-play AND AN EXAM!
    • Exam is based off of cluster and 100 questions

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Case Study- Individual (pt.1)


Career Cluster

Who to talk to





Hospitality + Tourism

Business Manage + Admin.

*Email Linked*

*Sample Prompt Linked*

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Case Study- Individual (pt.2)


Career Cluster

Who to talk to



Hospitality + Tourism

Business Manage. + Admin.


Hospitality + Tourism

*Email Linked*

*Sample Prompt Linked*

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Case Study- Team

  • Propose a solution/ response to a prompt *will show*
  • You compete with 1 other member
  • 60-minute preparation time (with a computer)
  • 15-minute presentation time (1-2 judges)
  • Do not see prompt prior to prep time
  • Score composed of just the role-play- NO EXAM!

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Case Study- Team(pt.1)


Career Cluster

Who to talk to

Business Manage + Admin.





*Email Linked*

*Sample Prompt Linked*

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Case Study- Team(pt.2)


Career Cluster

Who to talk to



*Email Linked*

*Sample Prompt Linked*

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Performance Indicators

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Prompt/ Problem

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Challenge/ Task

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Sample Event

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Advice for Picking

  • Pick based off your (or your partners) strengths
    • Classes you may have taken
    • Past jobs/ experience
  • Look through the linked examples and see what you are interested in
  • Pick based off of the career cluster
    • Ex: a business admin. major may want to pick in the “Business Manage + Admin.” career cluster
  • Choose a partner you trust and work well with (if applicable)
  • Talk to the members who have competed in that event (linked)

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Event Interest Form

https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSewsX8NF18ngFuV587W0IslZ0vX3Tebafr5xKkSpTlT7BrzRw/viewform?usp=sf_link (also will be linked in email)

  • Not binding- no need to worry if you are not 100% sure yet!
  • Lets us know general interests so we can begin working on prep materials
  • Due: Sunday 10/2

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If you have additional questions or need any help or resources please contact your mentor (coming soon) or talk to Kayla Buth

(763) 458- 6517 or Kbuth@wisc.edu

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DECA Mentorship Program


  • Incoming (or returning) DECA member have the opportunity to pair up with a returning UW-DECA Member
  • Purpose: advice on events, competition prep, any classes/ college questions, a friend in general
  • Good leadership opportunity for returning members
    • highly recommend signing up

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DECA Mentorship Program


  • How does it work?
    • Fill out form that will be sent out in an email (due 10/2)
    • We will match you with someone who has similar interests (we will send out an email)
    • Your mentor will reach out to you and come up with a plan
    • We will have allotted time after meetings to talk with your mentor

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If you have additional questions about the mentorship program please contact Kayla Buth (kbuth@wisc.edu) or Josh Mumm (jjmumm2@wisc.edu)

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Follow Us on Social Media!

UW Madison Collegiate DECA




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Dues/ Finances

  • $65
  • Due October 24th
  • Reach out if you have any concerns (there are plenty of options)
  • Goes towards national/state DECA fees, t-shirts, etc.

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Reminders/Upcoming Events

    • Ice Breaker Social-Get to Meet the Chapter
      • Fun Games + Snacks + DECA
    • DUE: Mentorship Program Form and Event Interest Form 10/2
    • Coordinator applications will be opening 10/2!
  • Check email for updates!
  • Check out our website for meeting links, competition prep, contact information, and more!!