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Augmented Reality

With WebVR

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What ?!?

VR is for Virtual Reality!

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Well … I think

it may be for Augmented Reality too :)

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What is WebVR ?

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What is WebVR ? (according to webvr.info)

  • “Open standard to experience Virtual Reality in your browser” - webvr.info


  • It is Standard
  • It is for your browser
  • It is for Virtual Reality

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Or is it ?

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WebVR under the Hood

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WebVR provides 2 features (and only those 2)

PS: Does not provide controllers parts. It is done by Gamepad API

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They match Virtual Reality needs obviously

But match Augmented Reality too!

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What is Stereo Rendering ?

“Creating the illusion of depth in an image by stereopsis for binocular vision”�Wikipedia

  • Aka you see stuff in 3D
  • Made popular by Google Cardboard

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Old concept tho - Here is from from 1860

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How is Stereo Rendering useful ?

  • Give the illusion of depth
  • It appears to be a given distance of the user
  • It is no more a projection of a 3d object on a 2d plane (aka a screen)
  • It appears as if it were there.

It massively increases the immersion.

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Ok so stereo rendering is nice..

What about positional tracking ?

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What is Positional Tracking ?

“It tracks the position of the user camera”

  • The camera may be your phone e.g. daydream
  • The camera may be a HTC/Occulus headset

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How is Positional Tracking useful ?

  • It display the 3d according to the position of your device
  • Physical real moves are reflected in the virtual world

This links between physical and virtual is key to immersion

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Algos for Positional Tracking are quite varied

  • Daydream - IMU based - provides orientation only (aka 3dof)
  • Marker based provides positions and orientation too
  • Vive/Occulus provides very accurate positions and orientation (aka 6dof)

No on-size-fit-fall :( Each method got its PRO/CON

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is WebVR for AR too?

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WebVR and Virtual Reality

  • Stereoscopic Rendering is useful for VR
  • Positional Tracking is useful for VR

Sure... but they are equally useful for Augmented Reality :)

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WebVR has VR at the end ?

  • Because the authors were thinking about VR when they wrote it
  • Nothing specific VR to it
  • Equally good for AR

Let’s rename it WebXR ? :)

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Questions ?