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Personal Identity and

Growth Mindset

Wolves Academy

PE 9 Lesson

August 25/26

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Who are you? How do you describe yourself? What are your strengths and weaknesses? What do you believe in? What would someone who “knows you knows you” say about you?

Quickwrite: Who Are You?

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Before we can worry about having a growth mindset or setting goals or really any future planning, we have to know who we are and we have to LOVE that person.

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I embrace my flaws because I know that nobody is perfect.

I can complete difficult tasks.

I am open to all possibilities.

It is ok to say no because those who matter don’t mind and those who mind don’t matter.

I choose to fully participate in this existence.

The mistakes I made yesterday are creating the person I’ll be tomorrow.

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Knowing yourself and liking who you are is important! But, adolescence is also a period of great change and growth. So how can you continue to know and love yourself as you change?

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Finding a Balance

How can you...

Be happy with who you are today...

While also recognizing that you always have room to grow.

Chat with an elbow partner or small group. What are some ways we can strike this balance in our day to day life?

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One way to embrace who you are but also look forward for improvement is to adopt and foster a Growth Mindset.

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What is a Growth Mindset?

A Growth Mindset is shifting the way that you perceive events to recognize them as the growth opportunities as opposed to mistakes or failures. It’s the idea that we are always learning and improving, which we are!

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Closure Write:

What are some challenges you have coming up this week? How can you approach them with a growth mindset? What are some affirmations you could practice in the moment?

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Now, put your note taking guide in the PE section of your Wolves Academy binder!