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The Basic Beliefs of Islam

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Words to Know

  • Islam
  • Muslim
  • Pilgrimage
  • Mosque
  • Qur’an

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The Qur’an

  • The Qur’an is the holy book of Islam.
  • It contains the commands of Allah given to Muhammad.
  • It describes how Muslims should behave and treat one another.

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The Sunnah

  • The Sunnah is a record of Muhammad’s life and deeds.
  • It is a model for the duties and way of life expected of a Muslim.
  • The Sunnah contains the Five Pillars of Islam.
  • (Consider, what is a pillar?)

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The Five Pillars of Islam

  • Shahada (Profession of Faith)
  • Salah (prayers)
  • Zakah (Giving of Alms)
  • Saum (Fasting during Ramadan)
  • Hajj (pilgrimage to Mecca)

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Profession of Faith

  • “There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is his prophet.”
  • Must be said at least once in life.

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  • Muslims pray five times a day.
  • In Islamic countries, they are called to prayer from the local mosque.

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  • Muslims are expected to give money to the poor and to their mosque.
  • Help for the poor is a requirement for Muslims.

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  • Muslims are expected to fast during Ramadan.
  • When are Catholics expected to fast?

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  • All Muslims are expected to visit the holy city of Mecca and pray at the Kaaba at least once in their life if they are at all able.

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  • Shariah is the system of Islamic law that many Islamic countries use today.
  • It is a system for judging the rightness of a person’s actions.
  • Islamic law will vary by country today.