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Wainwright Elementary School

�Annual Report (2016/2017) and Education Plan (2017-2020)

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  • Vision, Mission, Mantra
  • School Profile
  • Looking Back: Our Reflections
  • Looking Ahead: Our Goals
  • Our Celebrations

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Vision, Mission, Mantra

Vision: WES is a place where everyone is able to create their own story of hope, inclusion, and positive outcomes.

Mission: We are a safe, caring, respectful, and happy community of leaders.

Mantra: Together, leading by example.

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School Profile

School Community:

Our Wainwright Elementary School proudly serves approximately 450 children and their families residing in the communities of Wainwright, Denwood, and surrounding Municipal District of Wainwright.

This year saw the second year of implementation of our “Leader in Me” program, which is based upon The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, and we are continuing towards our way to full integration both in and outside of our school.

We develop and foster strong ties to all those involved in agriculture, the oil and service industries, and our friends in the military community.

We develop and foster strong partnerships to support our kids with various service providers including the Family School Liaison (FSL), Wainwright on Wellness Mental Health Initiative (WOW), Alberta Health Services – Addictions and Mental Health (formerly AADAC), The Wainwright Military Family Resource Center (MFRC), and others.

We currently house the Wainwright Children’s Center daycare provider and the Wainwright Preschool Association (4 year old) program. We are also excited to continue to host, partner with, and help grow the Little Leaders Learning Through Play (3 year old) program!

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School Profile


- Teaching staff complement of 25 FTE

- Support Staff complement of 13.0 FTE

- We offer a variety of programs which include:

French as a second language for students in grade 2 - 6, Daily Physical Education with a specialist teacher, Outdoor Education, Specialized Inclusive Learning Services, 6 + 1 Traits of Writing, and many extra curricular after school programs operated entirely by volunteers.

- Our enrolment has stabilized with a student population of 411.5 funded students from ECS to grade 6. Each grade level has three classes except grade 4, which has 4. We continue to be able to maintain small student to teacher ratios.

WES Class Sizes

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School Profile

School Expenditures


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Looking Back –The Alberta Education Accountability Pillar Survey Results

- Our year over year results were “maintained” on all 9 measures and categorically “Excellent” or Good” on every measure.

- “Excellent” (4 of 9) or “Good” (5 of 9) category classifications on every measure.

- Our results topped those of our province on 5 of 9 measures by multiple percentage points.

- Stengths: Safe and Caring, Educational Quality, Citizenship, and School Improvement measures.

- Continued areas of focus include “PAT:Acceptable” (84.5).

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Looking Back - 2016/2017

Areas of strength:

We continue to achieve above the province in 5 of 8 measures on the four grade 6 Provincial Achievement Tests.

More than 88% of our students pass their subject area PAT on 3 of 4 tests and almost 20% achieve a “standard of excellence” on 3 of 4 of their PATs. All of this is done with an extremely high participation rate.

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Looking Back - 2016/2017

Areas for growth:

  • We witnessed our results on the Math 6 PAT continue to be below the provincial average on the acceptable measure and the standard of excellence , although the gap has narrowed to a little over 1% less, in comparison.

  • While we were able to return to achieving a higher percentage than the province on the number of students meeting the acceptable standard on the Language Arts PAT, we had less students reach the standard of excellence.

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PAT Results – ELA 6

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PAT Results – Math 6

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PAT Results – Social 6

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PAT Results – Science 6

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Reading and Writing Results

Information provided from the June 2017 ELA 6 PAT. (Please note each student affects the results by +/- 1.5%)

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Looking Back - 2016/2017

Tell Them From Me Survey Feedback

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Looking Back - 2016/2017


Student Survey Feedback (continued)

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Looking Back - 2016/2017


Staff professional learning at my school influenced my implementation of new teaching practices this year:

100% of teachers agreed or strongly agreed

To what extent do you feel your school’s professional learning this year has supported you in effectively addressing your school improvement strategies?

100% agreed or strongly agreed

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Looking Back - 2016/2017

APORI Parent Responses – Safe and Caring Schools Measures

APORI Parent Responses – Citizenship Measures

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Overall School Priorities 2017-2020

Parental Involvement:

We wish to continue to make our parents feel welcome and as equal partners in their children’s education and are dedicated to finding more ways to engage our parent community. We have made opportunities available to parents, such as supporting curricular areas through volunteering, supporting our extra curricular pursuits, and joining active and effective committees such as pursuing grants. This year , we hope to employ new strategies to attract more parents to become involved in school activities and look forward to working with our various school council associations in this regard.

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Overall School Priorities 2017-2020

The Leader in Me Program Initiative:

This year (2016 – 2017) marked the the third full year of school wide implementation of the Leader in Me program. We are excited to explore how it will be integrated throughout our curriculum and in our school culture in general. Through both direct and indirect teaching practices we aim to develop our kids and, in turn, our families and community in the ways of the 7 Habits.

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Overall School Priorities 2017-2020

Implementation of Tier 1 RTI:

We are committed to developing a strong Tier 1 instructional foundation. Our goal is to achieve this by providing common planning time for teachers where they can work together to infuse thinking skills and an inquiry approach across curricula and receive assistance from our Peer Instructional Coach (PIC) This pedagogical shift will be supported by the implementation of a Learning Commons in our school to provide students with the opportunity to have access to an flexible, learner-centred, space for collaboration and inquiry as it pertains to an elementary school situation.

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Essential Conditions

Mission: Buffalo Trail Public Schools is committed to maximizing student learning, in a safe and caring environment, supported by a highly effective team.

Essential Conditions:

As a jurisdiction we believe that teacher effectiveness has the greatest direct impact on maximizing student learning. BTPS is involved in a number of initiatives therefore, it is vital to our success that we ensure these initiatives support teacher effectiveness. The essential conditions for increasing teacher effectiveness and maximizing student learning are shown on the next slide and are indicated as part of our school’s strategies.

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Essential Conditions

Essential Conditions

for increasing teacher

effectiveness and

maximizing student


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Essential Conditions

Leadership: How are current and future leaders being developed

and supported?

Research and Evidence: What data, including current research and evidence is being collaboratively and systematically collected and analyzed to inform progress towards targets?

Resources: How are human and material resources being employed?

Time: How is adequate time being provided for implementation?�Support Services: How are support services being used effectively?

Staff Professional Growth: How are the needs of the teacher, school, system and province being addressed through professional learning?

Stakeholder and Community Engagement: How are stakeholders being engaged?

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2017-2020 Strategies

BTPS Goal #1: Students are intellectually engaged in their learning.

School Strategies:

Leader in Me Program (Leadership)

Student leadership group to lead sharing of TTFM survey results and follow up (Leadership)

Staff Professional Development Work – both horizontal and vertical grade level groupings. (Research and Evidence)

Student Exhibitions (Stakeholder/Community Engagement)

Student passion projects (Time)

Use of Tell Them From Me Survey to measure students’ intellectual engagement (Research and Evidence)

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2017-2020 Strategies

BTPS Goal #2: All learners’ needs are met.

School Strategies:

Guided Reading K-3 (Resources, Staff Professional Growth)

Response to Intervention - Implementation of Tier 1 (Time, Staff Professional Growth)

ILT teacher to work with Grade 3 teachers to create universally accessible learning environments through infusion of technology (Support Services, Staff Professional Growth)

Professional Learning - Significant 72 - Tom Hierck (Staff Professional Growth)

Maximized use of Learning Support Team (Support Services)

Family School Liaison to support students at risk (Support Services)

First Nations, Metis, and Inuit programming capacity building - utilize BTPS PD resources and staff for PD opportunities (Staff Professional Growth)

First Nations, Metis, and Inuit programming capacity building - Purchase storybooks and other resources with an FNMI cultural focus (Resources)

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2017-2020 Strategies

BTPS Goal #3: BTPS Strives to foster and maintain positive, high quality learning and working environments.��Outcome 3.1: Students and staff feel welcomed, safe, cared for and respected ��Outcome 3.2 Teachers, administrators and support staff work collaboratively to improve their practice�

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Celebrations 2016/2017

There is a lot to celebrate at our school!

Our kids, with encouragement from their families and our staff continue to be very active in citizenship activities both in our community and in the world.

We have a very high participation rate at parent-teacher interviews and high attendance at our annual Fall and Spring Open Houses showing our community’s enduring interest in what is happening in our school.

PAT and APORI results have been maintained or, in some cases increased at a very favourable level.

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Celebrations 2016/2017

Let’s Celebrate Our School and Each Other!

This year we gathered for our third annual year end “Celebration Day” complete with a hot dog BBQ, team games and sidewalk chalk. We also had several Accelerated Reader celebrations ending up with huge prizes that were donated by our community partners and friends. These along with our Open Houses were well attended by many parents, neighbours, and friends as we positively interacted with our community!

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Celebrations 2016/2017

Our students very actively work hard to make our community, our country, and our world a better place for all. Activities we participate in such as the National Terry Fox Run, Jumprope for Heart, Operation Christmas Child, Food Drives, and other student led initiatives prove WES is involved in our community and that it cares!

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Celebrations 2016/2017

Our Leader in Me Project - Student Lighthouse Teams

  • Our Student Lighthouse Teams are groups of kids on our school who consistently go above and beyond in taking on, involving all others, and completing various roles in our school. Whether it is leading a schoolwide assembly, doing “buddy” work in mentoring and inspiring younger WES Stars, or acting as tech teachers to parent, they are a very active and influential part of our school.

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Celebrations 2016/2017

WES Welcomes our Community and School Family!

We want to be an active and welcoming community partner where our friends and neighbours feel welcome and that they have ownership of our school. Through seniors visits, ceremonies, open houses, and concerts, we open our doors as much as possible to involve our community partners.