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COTA Users

Audience overview

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COTA’s Mission

COTA’s primary purpose shall be to design, construct and maintain sustainable, human-powered multi-use trails. Further, COTA strives to enhance the mountain bike riding experience through safety, education, trail stewardship, public outreach and advocacy.

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30-50 something fit women

  • Likes outdoor activity 2-3 times a week.
  • MT Bike
  • Hiker-
  • Snowsports
  • Full time jobs and maybe kids
  • Ride before or after work
  • Money for good bikes
  • Support money, donate to many projects
  • Partner that rides.
  • Good food, good wine.
  • Fun places- to mountain bike and adventure
  • MTB is a life style
  • Uses facebook, good at email. set containers to Communication.
  • Group Minded

What do they need for COTA

  • Social Connection and Community
  • Knowledge of Trail closures, expansion and new trails
  • News about Group rides for women/Classes

What does COTA Need from them:

  • Volunteer for work parties
  • Train to become a volunteer
  • Ride New Trails to Break them in
  • Understand responsibilities of rider
  • Avoid riding or damaging trail

What Comm. Media is used:

  • Email
  • Facebook
  • Website
  • Youtube
  • meetup

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“Joe Dirt”

3o-45 yrs Old School MTB-er

  • 30 something old school MTBer
  • Does not use strava
  • Dislikes heavy trail use
  • likes technical stuff
  • Does not use facebook often
  • Checks Website very rarely
  • Generally Grumpy
  • Rides alone or with wife
  • Likes not seeing anyone on a ride
  • Likes finding new trails
  • Also backpacks

What do they need for COTA

  • Trail Work Calendar
  • Free Beer
  • Tools

What does COTA Need from them:

  • Volunteer for work parties
  • Train to become a volunteer
  • Become a Volunteer leader
  • Log Hours

What Comm. Media is used:

  • Facebook (begrudgingly)
  • Website
  • Email
  • Youtube
  • Meetup

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“Daddy Casey”

Father and Son

  • Like to Ride with young son
  • Rides 1 time a week
  • Has a day job, but gets off at the same time each afternoon

What do they need for COTA

  • Green signs for easy
  • News about Trail Conditions

What does COTA Need from them:

  • Volunteer for work parties
  • Become a paid member
  • Avoid riding or damaging trails

What Comm. Media is used:

  • Facebook
  • Website
  • email

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“Stephany FS AgenT”

Works for Uncle Sam

  • Forest Service Personnel
  • 35-55 years old
  • upper manager type
  • Just wants everyone to get along
  • Spends most working days in meetings

What do they need for COTA

  • Trail Work Calendar
  • Trail Work Log

What does COTA Need from them:

  • Feed Back about Trails
  • Trail Approvals
  • Need to know we are 100% volunteer

What Comm. Media is used:

  • Website
  • Email

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“Gary getrdone”

45-70 years retired

  • 45-70 years
  • Loves working on trails
  • Easy going
  • likes to be an expert on the things he does
  • Finds zen in the forest
  • retired
  • Spends many days in the woods hiking biking and enjoying the forest
  • Generally enjoys being of service to others

What do they need for COTA

  • Trail Work Calendar
  • Going to Events
  • Trail closures and expansion
  • News about trail conditions
  • Log Hours
  • Social and connection to community

What does COTA Need from them:

  • Become a member
  • Volunteer
  • Train to be a leader
  • Log volunteer hours

What Comm. Media is used:

  • Website
  • Email
  • Facebook
  • Meetup

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“Fast Freddy”

25-50 Strava athlete

  • Strava Man
  • 25-55 years
  • Upper business manager or entrepreneur
  • Constant athlete
  • Likes competition
  • Rides 3-5 times a week
  • Has family 2.5 kids and a white picket fence

What do they need for COTA

  • News about trail conditions
  • Trail Closures expansions
  • Maps and directions for trials that would match skills
  • Free beer

What does COTA Need from them:

  • Ride new trails to break them in
  • Avoid riding or damaging trails
  • Understand responsibility of riders
  • Needs to know we are 100% volunteers

What Comm. Media is used:

  • Strava
  • Facebook
  • Website
  • youtube

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“Downhill Donny”

15-25 year old “DUDE”

  • Bombs the trails
  • Crazy Air Jumping Dude
  • Rides with a speaker
  • California shuttles as much as possible
  • Loves the adrenaline.

What do they need for COTA

  • News about trail conditions
  • Trail Closures expansions
  • Maps and directions for trials that would match skills
  • New trails

What does COTA Need from them:

  • Ride new trails to break them in
  • Avoid riding or damaging trails
  • Understand responsibility of riders

What Comm. Media is used:

  • Strava
  • Facebook
  • youtube

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“Corporate Joe”

35-55 year old

  • Want to be respect in the community and their business
  • Athletic minded
  • Wants to build a better community
  • Want to look like they are in the know. And wants to look like they are there to service the tourist community

What do they need for COTA

  • Joint effort
  • Logo and know his business is part of the community

What does COTA Need from them:

  • Donations
  • Fun joint projects
  • Needs to know we are 100% volunteers

What Comm. Media is used:

  • Facebook
  • Website