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9th Grade Literature & Composition

Sept 18, 2023

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Check your device and take out your journal.

What do you notice is different about the new bell schedule?

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Update your reading list at the end of your journal with books you read and finished or abandoned in the last week. If you finished a book, go ahead and rate it.

Then, silently read your personal book at your desk until the end of this time.

Reading List

Quarter 1

Book Author Rating

Title Name (1-5)

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Important Dates

  • September 18: W9 formative assessment due
  • September 19: Yearbook Pic Make-ups (for those who missed first time)
  • September 23: Next Saturday School
  • September 25: Summative Work Deadline
  • September 28 (A) / 29 (B): Reading Project One-Pager due
  • September 29: Last day of Quarter 1

Tutorial Opportunities:

*Every morning from 8:15-8:30 a.m. (request a pass in advance)

*Fridays by request 3:45-4:30 p.m.

**If you are absent, it is your responsibility to timely make up everything you missed. That includes reviewing the slides, taking notes, reading the text(s), and doing and turning in any assignment(s).

Want to remember? Make a note now.

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Learning Target

Today I am… participating in “My Pick Monday”,

So that I can… learn about the independent reading project and get started planning.

I’ll know I’ve gotten it when… I’ve selected my favorite book read this past quarter and planned the elements I’ll include on the reading one-pager.

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Today’s 9th Grade Literature & Composition Agenda:


  • Reading List Update


  • Independent Reading Project

Work Period

  • Read & Respond


  • Reading Update Card
  • Be physically & mentally ready for class.
  • Be respectful to yourself, others, and the classroom environment.
  • Be responsible for your learning by giving your best effort.
  • Read a book or work on writing pieces in journal if you finish the work of the day.

Our Class Norms

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*Reminder*: Reading Project

What is it?

  • You’ll present one book you’ve read this quarter to your peers (and teacher).

Why are we doing it?

  • Many folks need motivation beyond just “do it because it’s good for you” to sit down with a book and read during a busy schedule.

How will it work?

  • Always have a personal book you’re reading.
  • When you finish one book, get another book.
  • Add book titles, author names, and ratings (1-5) to the end of your journal).
  • Near the end of the quarter, review the list and choose your favorite to present.

Reading List

Quarter 1

Book Author Rating

Title Name (1-5)

Actual Project Directions

Teacher Example of Planning

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This one-pager does a great job of balancing art with 10 literature elements.

Example: Braid = description of how the braid is a symbol

Example: Rating is shown with actual stars drawn out.

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This one-pager does a great job of balancing art with 10 literature elements.

Example: Eye = quote about the eye + connection to point of view

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This one-pager does a great job of balancing art with literature elements AND used text to emphasize images.

Example: Tree image is next to explanation about tree’s symbolism.

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“I like you so much, Marianne said. Connell felt a pleasurable sorrow come over him, which brought him close to tears. Moments of emotional

pain arrived like this, meaningless or at least indecipherable. Marianne lived

a drastically free life, he could see that. He was trapped by various considerations. He cared what people thought of him. He even cared what

Marianne thought, that was obvious now”, Normal People, by Sally Rooney

🏫 🇮🇪

“At times he has the sensation that he and Marianne are like figure skaters, improvising their discussions so adeptly and in such perfect synchronisation that it surprises them both. She tosses herself gracefully into the air, and each time, without knowing how he’s going to do it, he catches her.”

Fatal Attraction, Tanna Leone, “Fatal attraction is lethal”

This one-pager does a great job of using quotes on the page in different ways BUT didn’t connect images to quotes.

Example: Border quotes show big emotions and includes explanation BUT images don’t show how big emotions were brought out.

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Work Period: My Pick Monday

What do I do first?

  • Select your favorite book read since August 1, 2023

What do I do next?

  • Pick the elements that stood out to you.
  • Thought jot specific examples
  • Continue reading your personal book.

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Closing: Complete Reading Update

On the next clean page in your journal, complete today’s reading check-in.

Personal Reading Check-in


Book Title:

Favorite Quote:

Conflict in the Quote:

Is it internal or external?

Personal Reading Check-in


Book Title: After the Shot Drops by Randy Ribay

Favorite Quote: “I stay like that for a few moments, adding nothing but a black dot because I still don’t know what to write. I want to put down something meaningful” (Ribay p. 2).

Conflict in the Quote:

Is it internal or external?

This shows internal conflict because Bunny, the main character, struggles to come up with a message for an acquaintance who died. He gives himself time to think about the past and comes up with “i won’t forget about you” (Ribay p. 3).

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Sentence Type Review Coloring Sheets

Take a position: Should people learn cursive?

Listen to story: What does cursive allow us to do?

Cursive Practice: C-D

Pick out a book to read the first chapter.

All letters here

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Partner Pairs

Whole Class

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Name: _____________________ Date: __________

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Name: _____________________ Date: __________