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Intro to transformation

Medici name reported many times by agent from Transformation epoch. No record of their name before hand. They seem to have come up from nothing/nowhere. We’re sending you there to find what you can about them in your time. Are they causing fractures?

Travel through city from Florence cathedral to medici palace.

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Bell work

-New Paper: DFTT: Florence

-This is our record of 16th century Florence – obviously it isn’t entirely accurate. Based on this illustration describe what you think life in Florence was like. Explain.

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1. Analyze this painting of Renaissance Florence. What more does it tell you about the city and life there?

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Location 1: Ponte Vecchio

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Location 1: Ponte Vecchio

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Location 1: Ponte Vecchio

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Location 1: Ponte Vecchio

2. Question here

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Location 1: Ponte Vecchio

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Location 1: Ponte Vecchio

3. What types of shops do you think they had on the bridge during the Renaissance?

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Location 2: The Florence Cathedral

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4. The Florence Cathedral is considered one of history’s greatest building achievements. What do you think makes it so special?

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Location 2: The Florence Cathedral

5. Describe how you would feel looking up at the Cathedral from the ground level.

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Location 2: The Florence Cathedral

6. What is something you notice about the cathedral exterior that you didn’t notice before

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Location 2: The Florence Cathedral (interior)

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Location 2: The Florence Cathedral (interior)

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Location 2: The Florence Cathedral (interior)

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Location 2: The Florence Cathedral (interior)

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Location 2: The Florence Cathedral

7. Describe the interior of the cathedral.

Location 2: The Florence Cathedral (interior)

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Location 3: Palazzo Medici

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Location 3: Palazzo Medici

8. Describe the look of the palace from the outside. Is it impressive compared to the other buildings we’ve seen? Explain.

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Location 3: Palazzo Medici

9. These metal thingies are found all around the outer wall of the building. What do you think they were used for?

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Location 3: Palazzo Medici

10. This is the Medici family crest. It is found throughout the Palazzo. What do you think it says about the Medici?

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Location 3: Palazzo Medici

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Location 3: Palazzo Medici

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Location 3: Palazzo Medici

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Location 3: Palazzo Medici

11. How is the interior of the Palazzo different than the exterior?

Location 3: Palazzo Medici

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Location 3: Palazzo Medici

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Location 3: Palazzo Medici

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Location 3: Palazzo Medici

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Location 3: Palazzo Medici

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Location 3: Palazzo Medici

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Location 3: Palazzo Medici

12. Describe the statue garden of the Palazzo Medici.

Location 3: Palazzo Medici

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  • Video?
  • Questions?

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Use evidence from today’s investigation to answer the following in a complete paragraph:

How did the Medici use their wealth to improve Florence and gain power?