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IoT - Internet of Things

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IoT - What is it?

  • Network of physical devices, vehicles, home appliances, ...
  • Embedded with electronics, software, sensors, actuators and connectivity
  • Items are able to connect and exchange data
  • Connected objects that are able to collect and exchange data using embedded sensors

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IoT - Applications

  • Smart Home / Home Automation
  • Elder Care
  • Wearables
  • Media/Advertising
  • Infrastructure monitoring/management
  • Manufacturing
  • Agriculture
  • Healthcare
  • Transportation

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IoT - Technologies

  • Addressability, especially support for IPv6

  • Short range wireless: Bluetooth, NFC, QR-codes, RFID, Wi-Fi, ...
  • Medium range wireless: GSM, LTE, ...
  • Long range wireless: VSAT, directed Wi-Fi,...

  • wired networks: Ethernet, Power-Line communication,...
  • wired electronics: RS-232, I2C, SPI, GPIO,...

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IoT - Criticism

  • Platform fragmentation
  • Proprietary Software
  • Proprietary Protocols
  • Lack of security updates
  • Privacy
  • Data storage
  • Design (different interfaces for vacuums, locks, sprinklers, lights,...)
  • Obsolescence (intentional or e.g. through death of company and their infrastructure)

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  • Raspberry PI
  • Arduino
  • Esp8266 (NodeMCU)
  • Personalized PCB (Printed circuit board)

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  • Board
  • Infrastructure (Interface)