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Each Slide has a Title...

Brainstorm, Research & Build your Review Deck

...Medici Family…

Luther… Rousseau… ...Metternich… DaVinci… Absolutism… Robespierre… ...Toussaint… Nationalism… Columbian Exchange…

...Dang it Patmos!...

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Before you continue...

For each item, THINK:

People, Geography, Politics, Economy, Culture, Society

Who influenced What? / What influenced Whom?

How? Why? When? Where?

What are the Causes/Effects? Short-term/Long-term?

Connections? Significance?

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European Exploration & Expansion

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(Keep it brief)

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European Trade & Colonies; Mercantilism

7 of 21

Scientific Revolution

8 of 21


9 of 21

Enlightened Absolutism

10 of 21

Limited Monarchy (and the routes to it) & Contitutional Monarchy

Example: England: Magna Carta, English Bill of Rights

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French Revolution

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Changes in the New World: �Latin America, Mexico, Haiti

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Industrial Revolution (focus on England & Europe)

15 of 21

Industrial Revolution Technology

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Industrial Revolution Reactions (unions, reform, etc.)

17 of 21

Socialist Reform; Karl Marx & Communism (as he stated it, not as it later was practiced)

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Capitalism; Adam Smith, Malthus

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Italian Unification & German Unification

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Imperialism (Incidents and Encounters from Africa, India, China, Japan)