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    • Consider scenarios related to stress during senior year and in life after high school
    • Explore different coping strategies
    • Add the strategies that work best for you into a self-care plan
    • Be able to identify college and community resources


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This is a social-emotional topic

    • Expect and welcome participation
    • Keep comments general without identifying other students
    • There will be an activity to complete

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Your mind and body’s reaction to a trigger, a situation, event or person that can affect your thinking, behavior and feelings.

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Both Stress and Anxiety


Stress Versus Anxiety

  • Generally is a response to an external cause, such as taking a big test or arguing with a friend
  • Goes away once the situation is resolved
  • Can be positive or negative. For example, it may inspire you to meet a deadline, or it may cause you to lose sleep

  • Excessive worry
  • Uneasiness
  • Tension headaches or body pain
  • High blood pressure
  • Loss of sleep

  • Generally is internal, meaning it's your reaction to stress
  • Usually involves a persistent feeling of apprehension or dread that doesn't go away, and that interferes with how you live your life
  • Is constant, even if there is no immediate threat

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Burnout is a state of mental, physical, or emotional exhaustion. Burnout in students happens when they are faced with ongoing stress or frustration with no chance to relax and recharge.

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Managing Stress

and Preventing burnout

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First- Relax!

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What are the top 3 strategies that are supposed to be calming, but to you, they are NOT?!

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Coping strategies

Practicing self-care, finding joy and meaning in life, developing and maintaining healthy relationships and knowing and using the resources available to you can develop your ability to cope with stressful situations.

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Emotional Strategies that foster mental health


Activities that Foster physical Health


Strategies to foster healthy relationships

Existential List Activities that bring joy and meaning to your life

Self Care Plan

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Categorize Strategies

Either/both preventative and responsive

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Senior Year

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Scenario One

You are under a lot of stress due to midterms, friends hearing of college acceptances and you have not heard back regarding your applications, or, you’re not sure what you will do post-high school and it seems like everyone else has a plan.

Who would be an appropriate contact for resource support?

How do you handle disappointment/envy?

How can you respond to questions about your acceptances?

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Scenario Two

You have had the last 12 years of your life planned for you, but now it is your choice. You are excited, but nervous.

What are somethings you can do for yourself now and over the next few months to help you to navigate the upcoming life changes?

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After graduation

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You have been in a college math class for about a month. You find yourself struggling. You can’t turn to your roommate/friend because they don’t go to class or aren’t in your class.

What are some resources you could use to get back on track? What steps would you take?

Scenario three

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You are having a tough time balancing your budget and getting your bills paid on time.

What steps can you take to get back on track?

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Mindfulness Strategies

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Exit ticket: Take the post-test

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