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By: Vincent Lam

Visual #2 Visual Narratives from a Fictional World

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Narrative Outline

The story starts with our 5 heroes awakening in a place called the underworld. The only way to escape is to climb the 10 levels and defeat each guardian that protects the exits. Everyone who is in the underworld has no memory of how they got there or who they are except their name. The story details the journey of our 5 heroes from floor 1 to 2.

Key scenes:

  • The Plaque
  • First encounter!
  • Guardian of the first floor
  • Reaching the second floor
  • Safe area on the second floor.

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Aelar is a nimble elven archer, whose grace and keen senses are unmatched. Her presence brings a blend of elegance and resilience to the adventurers' quest through the underworld. She is the leader of the party because of her quick wit and solid judgment.

Likes: Fruits

Dislikes: Rats

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Marva is a sage of considerable age, whose life has been dedicated to the study and mastery of arcane magic. His deep knowledge and experience make him an invaluable asset to the adventurers as they navigate the myriad dangers of the underworld.

Likes: Beer

Dislikes: Hot weather

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Hardened dwarf warrior who is unmatched in strength and courage. Thorne's significance lies not just in his combat abilities but in his embodiment of resilience, loyalty, and the strength of the spirit. His journey through the underworld is a testament to the power of perseverance in the face of insurmountable odds.

Likes: His lucky axe that is also named thorne

Dislikes: “Those who are tricksome with the truth”

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The cunning dragonborn rouge with strong survival skills that allows her to adapt to any environment. Jun's presence in the adventurers' party adds a layer of complexity and strength. Her dragonborn heritage brings a sense of awe and mystery, while her skills as a rogue are crucial for overcoming the traps and shadows that litter their path.

Likes: Cheese

Dislikes: Sand

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Caelum is a cleric whose unwavering faith and divine powers provide both a beacon of hope and a shield against the darkness for his companions. His role transcends mere healing, as he seeks to understand the deeper meaning of their journey through the underworld, believing it to be a test of faith and character.

Likes: Books

Dislikes: Bugs

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The Plaque

Our heroes awaken to find this ancient plaque that explains the rules of the underworld. Including:

  • The command to ascend the levels and regain memories
  • The cycle of rebirth (If you die you are resurrected here)
  • The guardians of the levels
  • No killing of other adventures

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First Encounter!

The Heroes first Encounter with monsters. Enough skeletons so everyone can show what they can do.

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Guardian of the first floor.

To get to the next level the party must defeat Vulcanix, the inferno wing. Guardian of the Forgotten Caves of the Underworld .

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Reaching the second floor

After a tough battle our heroes find a staircase that lead to the second level: The Sunken Abyss

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Safe area on the second floor.

In search of some much needed rest and resupply the heroes find the safe area on the second floor, Luminara's Refuge.