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Does a plant's environment color affect its growth?


8th Grade

Nativity Catholic School

Archdiocese of San Francisco

2024 San Mateo County Office of Education STEM Fair

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  • Does a plant’s environment color affect its growth
  • My hypothesis is that even though one background has the same color as the plant and other background doesn't have the same color. I don't think that will affect the plants growth and they will both grow at the same pace because they are still getting the same amount of sunlight, water, soil.
  • A control/constant that I am changing is the even amount of water, sunlight, soil
  • The variables that I am manipulating are the plants
  • I would measure my variable by checking up on them everyday to see the growth and taking notes
  • My results was that the background color of a plant doesn't affect its growth but the amount of sunlight, water, space is key to a plants growth the data I concluded was that the plants grew at the same pace.
  • In conclusion in a plants growth the plants background color does not matter and does not a effect the plants growth but a colored light would affect the plants growth. The most important part in growing a plant is how much water, sunlight, soil it receives.

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Purpose Statement

My project is “If the plants environment color is different color from the plant does it affect its growth.” I picked this project because I was curious, an example would be if your room color is blue will that affect the plants growth. I think this project will be useful for those looking into buying plants. One key I know is that certain color lights affect the plant while its growing.

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My hypothesis is that even though one background has the same color as the plant and other background doesn't have the same color. I think that will affect the plants growth because it colored lights like blue can help make the process faster.

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Experimental Procedures and


  • Get two plants and two pots and two different colored backgrounds.
  • I would then start to plant the plants and give them both the same amount of soil and same amount of water and same amount and same amount of time in the sunlight.
  • Observe if the colored background affect the plants growth.

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  • Two different colored backgrounds
  • Equal amount of water, soil, sunlight
  • Twelve plants and pots
  • Good open environment with space for the plants to grow
  • Twelve plants that are the same type of plant

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Experimental Results

My results was that the background color of a plant does affect its growth because the different colored lights can make the process faster.

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Analysis of Experimental


Things I observed from my project was that the plants background color does matter because the blue light make the plant faster and it’s also good if you use a red and blue light at the same time.

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In conclusion in a plants growth the plants background color does matter and does affect the plants growth. The most important part in growing a plant is how much water, sunlight and soil it receives.

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Thank you to my brother because without him I wouldn't be able to figure out a topic for last year science fair project. My mom for also getting me the materials needed for this project.

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Bibliography and
