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Internet safety

Internet safety

By Sanjith, Advaiya and Yogeshwer

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The Internet

The Internet

  • Network of millions of electronics.
  • 2 or more electronic devices linked so they can communicate with each other.
  • Possibly created by DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency)
  • ARPANET - created by scientists 1960s which allowed computer users at four different California universities to share info with each other.
  • The network grew and grew throughout the 1970s eventually becoming a big part of the early Internet in the 1980´s.

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There are 3 different types of virus

  • Trojan horse - they hide in websites and apps and if you make the mistake of clicking then its software will be copied in to your device

It is programmed for viewing passwords and other things.

  • Worm - Worms are stealthy like Trojan horses,

often remaining hidden.

  • Malware - its main purpose is to replicate, or

copy itself. To do that, it inserts its code into

other programs and turns them into cloning factories.

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  • Good hackers are also called white hats or security hackers.
  • Bad hackers are called crackers or black hats, black hackers
  • Good and bad hackers work in much the same way and even use identical skills to perform the hacking.
  • Grey hat hackers help do good things, but sometimes illegally.
  • 3 types of hacking
  • 1 adware
  • 2 ransomware we will now explain what they do
  • 3 spyware

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Different types of viruses

  • Ransomware is a type of software which locks your computer and asks for money to reopen.
  • Adware works by putting random adverts of your device. Each ad earns money for the hackers.
  • Spyware it is a virus that spy on your computer an the things you type like your passwords id and more

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Good and bad things about the internet

The negative effects of the internet in a society

  • Can be addicting it can hurt our communication skills.
  • It can spread fake news
  • Can lead to bullying on the internet
  • May affects our sleeping habits
  • Promotes a more sedentary lifestyle

Good things about the internet

  • It lets people talk with each other
  • entertainment
  • news & information
  • school work and many more

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The Schools Safety System

Imagine the internet as a mansion with lots of doors.

On a personal computer you can access everything - all the doors are open.

On a school chromebook or ipad only a few chosen doors are open meaning restricted access.

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Tips to be safe on the internet

  • Don't share your password,name,gender with anyone internet or people you don't know
  • Tell a parent if a random stranger sends photos of you
  • Do not click random links that are suspicious
  • Be the Same person in digital and real life
  • Cyberbullies are people who swear , say bad things or send criticizing messages if something like that happens to you, you should tell an adult as soon a you can

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