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7/8E Mountsfield PS, London, ON, CANADA

Sustainable Development Goal #6


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Uganda Marcus, Brodie, and Senan

Sixty-one percent of Ugandans lack access to safe water and seventy-five percent lack access to sanitation facilities. Sixty-one percent is equivalent to twenty-four million people. That means 24 million people lack access to clean water everyday. And 29 million people lack access to proper sanitation everyday. In ten years Water.org had raised seven million dollars and have helped 188,000 people.

Link To Our Website

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Pakistan is one of the top 10 countries with lack of clean water. 21 million people don’t have access to clean water in this country. Pakistan’s main issue with clean water is the very high levels of arsenic in the groundwater. However Pakastin is one of the most improved countries since 2000, 44 million people have gained access to clean water. Although 1 in 5 people living in poverty still don’t have access to clean water.

Ainsley and Evie

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South Sudan Zach and Ethan

South Sudan is a country in Africa. They recently gained independence from Sudan in 2011, which makes them the newest UN recognized country in the world. But the South Sudanese are also one of the poorest populations in the world with only 55% having access to improved drinking water and only 15% have access to sanitation systems. With the country trying to still build up from the war for independence with Sudan, there water supply was destroyed. Now South Sudan’s main water source is the Nile River which is shared with 10 other countries. The thing with that is it causes water stress. Water stress is when there is more water needed than what they have. This is the main cause of the problem with clean water in South Sudan. South Sudan also has had had bad luck with rain water with lack of rain and the 2011 East African Drought (Which, They are also still recovering from). Another problem is that the price of water has gone up

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South Sudan Cont. Zach and Ethan

Combined that with the value of the of the South Sudanese Pound going down in value, clean water in South Sudan is a REALLY big problem. This whole problem is causing most of the South Sudanese women and girls to forego real jobs and/or school to find water. It is unfair to all of the people in South Sudan who don’t have clean water and sanitation. This is why we should fight for these people. Clean water should be a human right not just a privilege. There are plenty of nonprofit organizations that you can donate money to help these poor South Sudanese citizens, heck, not even just South Sudan, the whole of Africa! Some of these organizations are Ryan’s Well, The Water Project, World Vision and Charity Water. Let’s help provide clean water for all #cleanwaterforeveryone

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Yemen is suffering a water and food crisis that has led to civil war while they are already at war with saudi arabia and iran for oil. Only 80 percent of people who live in yemen have clean water.more than 60% of death is caused by airstrikes.

Oscar , Aaron , Tyler

There flag

There emblem

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Yemen is located in Asia and has the red sea, also the gulf of aden to the west and south. Yemen has almost the most fertile land in the middle east but is still not friveng. In the rainy season (mid april-the end of april) rivers, valleys, and chanils fill with water creating what are called wadis.

The capital of Yemen is Sana'a and is home to yemen's government. The september 21 revolution was lead by the group houthis who tried to overpower the government. Later prime minister mohammed Basindawa and president Abdrabbuh Mansour Hadi stepped down.

Oscar , Aaron , Tyler

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Water it is life or death, you shouldn't be scared to drink it, water is the source of life but not death.

Do you think you should get clean water but not a poor kid in a poor country, he is just trying to live don't try to stop him.

They get a drop you get a bucket does it seem fair.

Wood you like to live with 1 2 3 drops of liquid ,I can't call it water because it's not it’s just life.

Water it is life or death, you shouldn't be scared to drink it, water is the source of life but not death.

Water you and i need you try just 1 2 3 drops a day you won't .

You no water you good not bad but now it is. 1 2 3 no more water for me 4 5 6 you get sick 7 8 9 you're not alive.

Ritin bye Wesley Lucier r you a water hog

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These are our lyrics and song.

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Brooke, Leah, And Sarah

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