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Henderson High School

Skyward Gradebook

Interactive Manual


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Interactive Manual Home Page

Click on any of the titles below, they are links to take you directly to the section for that title.

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Interactive Manual

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Skyward Gradebook

Getting Started

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Logging In

On your computer desktop, you should find a Skyward Student icon.

If not, go to www.hendersonisd.org and find the Skyward icon at the right.

Or go to Staff, Skyward Student/Gradebook link.

Skyward Login page. Enter your Login and Password. Click Sign In. If you forget your password, a reset link can be sent to your email by clicking the

“Forgot your Login/Password?” link.

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Skyward Gradebook

Teacher Access

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My Gradebook

To access your classes, click on Teacher Access.

This will give you menu options for Gradebook: Students, Classes, Daily Attendance and Homeroom.

Click on Gradebook to open a new page with all classes listed.

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Current Year Classes

Your current year classes will be listed. You might have more than eight classes if you have semester classes or if you have two classes in one (ie. Comp Prog I and Comp Prog 2).

1 Semester

Classes are marked 1-3 or 4-6

Click on the “Only Show Current Classes link to hide inactive courses.

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Only Show Current Classes

This is the “Current” classes being shown. Only full year courses (1-6 terms) or 1st semester (1-3 terms) are showing at this time.

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Selecting a Class -

Select the class you want to work in by clicking on the Blue Gradebook link.

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Teacher Access options:

Once the class is open, you have more options across the top of your screen from which to choose: Click on an option below to go to a specific screen.

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Other Access

Discipline Option:

Opens a new screen so that you can search and select student.

You can see former discipline issues or Add your discipline report.

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Adding Referrals

Complete the form with as much detailed information, including specific wording - no matter how vulgar. Principals need exact wording or actions to assign proper discipline. Don’t forget to hit SAVE.

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A quick way to change from one class to another without having to go back to the “Home” page.

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  • Add Assignments allows you to add Daily or Major Assignments. Category lets you choose.
  • You must put a Description. Detailed Description is optional.
  • Choose Assigned Date and Proposed Due Date.
  • Quickly add assignment to multiple classed by putting a check in the boxes.
  • Save options...

Save and Back - back to gradebook.

Save and Add Another - add another assignment.

Save and Score - lets you enter grades for this class.

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List Assignments

Shows a listing of current assignments in gradebook.

Plus - another way to maneuver through assignments.

Also allows you to Add, Edit, Clone, Delete assignments to/from your gradebook.

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There are several options for taking attendance.

By Name By Seating Chart

Gives you a listing of students

Shows pictures and names

Assign Seats - lets you move students around and create a seating chart.

Alert Legend shows for what the colored/lettered boxes stand.

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This is set by the Skyward Administrator according to School Board Policy.

Regular classes: Daily grades 50% and Major grades 50%

PAP & AP classes: Daily grades 40% and Major grades 60%

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Posting: Post Dropped Students Grades

Not used much. Gives you two options.

“Post Dropped Students” opens gradebook options below.

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Post Comments

Gives you an opportunity to post comments.

Place the appropriate Comment Code into the blanks. You have the opportunity to place 6 comments.

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Reports link gives you several options for various reports that you might want to use throughout the year.

  • Grade Sheet Report - basic gradebook report with student names and assignments.
  • Enhanced Multi-Class Progress Report - great to give to students for a reminder of missing assignments/low grades.
  • Class Roster - great to leave for a sub with notes about those in DAEP, ISS, out for EA, or those who can go to CMC.

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Grade Sheet Report

Great for beginning of the grading period or when you have to take work home. Gives you a place to record grades and can easily transfer to Skyward since students and assignments are in the same order.

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Multi-Class Progress Report

Prints out one student per page with all grade information for your class.

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Class Roster Report

Great for leaving notes for subs. Gives class total and M/F counts.

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Gives a chart of grades.

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Display Options

Several options available to personalize your gradebook display.

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Student Display

Control how students’ names looks.

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Assignment Display

Personalize how assignments are displayed.

Control how your assignment tabs are displayed at the top of each assignment column.

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Grade Period Display

Controls what grade periods and assignments show in your gradebook.

This gradebook is currently showing ONLY quarterly grades for Q1 & Q2. And all assignments for current term.

3rd 9 Weeks

Assignment Grades

Current Term Q4

1st & 2nd 9 Weeks

Quarterly Term Grades

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Gradebook Display Adjusted

This gradebook shows assignment grades for current term and Term 1 final grades.

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Modify Grade sheet Sequence

Allows you to change the order of students listed in your gradebook.

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Category Color Legend

Preset by Skyward Administrator to help you easily see daily and major grades.

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Teacher’s Log

Allows you to keep personal notes for students in your class.

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Drop Lowest Score Process (Basic)

Allows you to drop lowest score for class.

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Drop Lowest Score Process (Basic)

Can choose particular students for dropping grades by checking box beside their name.

Can choose between Daily and Major grades to drop.

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Processing Drops

Once you have chosen particular students and assignments, it will tell you which assignment for which student is going to be dropped. You can still make changes.

Click Process Drops to complete

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Advanced Drop Lowest Score

Offers more advanced options to the Drop Lowest Score Process.

Choose the Term you want to drop scores.

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Advanced Drop Lowest Score

Lets you choose how many scores to drop.

Daily/Major options are available.

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Advanced Drop Lowest Score

Choose students by putting a check in the box by their name.

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Advanced Drop Lowest Score

Lists which assignments are going to be dropped for each student.

Click Process Drops to finalize drops.

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Restore Deleted Assignments

If you delete an assignment and then change your mind, you can then restore the deleted assignment here.

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Student Groups

You can create groups and assign students to the groups.

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Assignment Comment Bank

Shows all comments that have been added in the gradebook.

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Quick Scoring

Opens all assignments in current gradebook and allows you to enter grades quickly .

Caution: it is very easy to enter one grade on top of another. Be careful when using this screen.

Grades entered are highlighted.

Back will “undo” and go back to gradebook without saving.

Save will save and stay in Quick Scoring screen.

Save and Back saves and goes back to gradebook.

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Entering Assignment Grades

Open a Gradebook.

Click on the Assignment title for which you want to enter grades.

This opens score entry page.

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Score Entry Option

This will open an individual assignment and allow you to enter grades. The “Mark un-scored as 0 and Missing” is a shortcut key that will give a 0 and mark as Missing any blank. You can also do a No Count for individuals or Missing without giving a 0, if needed.

The Comment section gives you the opportunity to add a specific comment regarding a student’s assignment (ie.: late, absent, corrected, retest…)

See next slide for Special Codes.

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Score Entry “Side Bar”

Once you have entered all grades or comments, then you must hit SAVE for your changes to go into effect. Undo deletes changes made and Back goes back to gradebook without saving.

You can Mass enter grades on the side bar.

Other Shortcuts:

Adjust Scores, Set All to No Count, Remove All Missing

Descriptions of Special Codes to be entered, if needed.

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Other Assignment Options

Clicking on a particular Assignment will give you other options.

Such as:

  • Adding
  • Editing
  • Cloning
  • Deleting

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Adding Another Assignment

Editing Assignment

Change information in Category, Description, or Due dates when needed.

Add another assignment without going back to gradebook.

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Clone Assignment

Creates a copy of the assignment, including category, description, due dates, and classes originally assigned.

Great for duplicate assignments, like warm-up grades, just a quick change of the dates is needed.

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Delete Assignment

Check which classes from which you need to delete assignment.

Or, mass delete from all classes.

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Show Grades Posted Message

This is an example of a gradebook without Grades Posted message.

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Show Grades Posted Message

This gradebook shows the last posting date for each class.

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Posting Grades

  • Click on the Posting Status link to show the “Posting Status” options.
  • Click the open Term and a new page opens.
  • Click the box for each class that you are ready to post.
  • Or, click the “Mark All as Completed” button to do all classes at one time.
  • Click “Back” button for posting to occur.

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Posting Grades

You are given from the end of the six weeks (Friday) until the following Tuesday at 11:59 p.m. to get all grades entered. Whoever is in charge of report cards usually sends out a reminder e-mail.

The gradebook automatically closes at 11:59 p.m. on that Tuesday. Any grades that need to be adjusted afterwards will require a Grade Change.

It is important to double check your final term grades and submit before the 11:59 deadline. Remember, at the High School, these grades are going on their transcripts, which are being printed daily for juniors and seniors who request them.

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My Students

Lets you quickly see student information by class.

Includes student name, e-mail if on file, guardian name, and phone number.

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My Classes

Click on My Classes and choose the class you want to open.

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Class Options

You have several options from which to choose.

Just another way to navigate through the gradebook.

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Post Daily Attendance

Taking Attendance each class period is very important.

You can access Attendance by clicking on Post Daily Attendance or by opening My Gradebook.

Go to the attendance slide.

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My Homeroom

Your “homeroom” is your period class.

Clicking on the down arrow will open your homeroom roster.

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Requesting Grade Changes

Open your gradebook to the class needing a grade change.

Find the Term option.

Click the down arrow.

Click on the Grade Posting Status for Term.

On the upper right side, find the Request Grade Change button.

Click this button and a pop-up will appear.

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Requesting Grade Changes

Give a brief explanation about the grade changes needed. (Clearing an Incomplete, transferring grades, etc.)

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Requesting Grade Changes

This will reopen your gradebook, allowing you to enter assignment grades or term grades. If you did not give an Incomplete, it will automatically adjust the Term grade.

You need to close the grade book to complete the changes by going back to the Grade Posting Status option and clicking the “Complete Grade Changes” button on the upper right. Your gradebook will automatically close after 2 hours.

If you are changing grades the day after the gradebook closes, it is extremely important that you “Complete Grade Changes” for those changes to be approved, especially if you want them printed on the report card. Report cards start being printed at 8:00.

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Clearing an Incomplete

If you need to clear an Incomplete, then click on the “Enter Term Grade Adjustments” link.

A different grade book page will open, choose the INC options down arrow and change to the - (minus sign symbol) for the number grade to show up.

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How to enter NG for students

Open the grade book and go to the class you need. If it is for the current term, click the Options “down arrow”. Choose “Enter Term Grade Adjustments”.

A new screen will open, click the down arrow.

Choose “NG Other”.

If you need to add NG for a closed grading period, you will have to follow the Requesting a Grade Change process to get to these options.

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Transferring Grades - in current grading period.

If you have a icon beside a student’s name, click on the icon and it will give you options for grade transfers.

Option 1: the easiest way. If not available, use Option 2.

Option 2: gives you options to transfer grades from each class that the student has been enrolled in. Click “Select Another Class”.

You will have to submit a Grade Change Request for the transfer to be finalized.

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Grade Transfer Option 2:

This student has had multiple changes to his schedule. Choose the class that matches yours to transfer grades by checking the circle.

Click Manually Transfer

Drop dates are given at the right.

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Transferring individual assignment grades

The next screen opens.

Choose an assignment not graded and click on the Grade link beside.

Or, choose to No Count an assignment.

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Grade Transfer Option 2:

Reminder: You will have to submit a Grade Change Request for the transfer to be finalized.

If possible, find an assignment that matches names or dates and click Transfer.

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Grade Transfer - after grading period has closed.

Option 3:

Click the icon beside the student’s name. Click on Option 3: Manually Enter Scores.

You now have the option to transfer final term grades for a particular grading period.

You could use this for new students transferring in during the school year.

Reminder: You will have to submit a Grade Change Request for the transfer to be finalized.

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One-Click Transfer of Term Grades: Option 4

This will apply when a student changes teachers or class periods after a grading period has closed.

Reminder: You will have to submit a Grade Change Request for the transfer to be finalized.

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Enter a Starting Grade. Option 5:

The easiest way to enter transfer grades for a student who has moved into the district during a grading period.

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Citizenship Grades

Citizenship grades are found under the CZ column. By clicking on CZ.

This opens the column for grading. Click on the down arrow to get numerical grade options.

Scroll down to find the letters S, N, or U.

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Citizenship - mass enter grade

Beside the down arrow button, type in the Alpha grade you will giving the majority of your students. Hit enter and you will get a pop-up.

Click OK and everyone will be given that alpha grade as long as they are blank.

You can then adjust those that need a different grade.

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Mandatory Gradebook Procedures

At the high school level, all grades are critical. Failure to correct any bold and/or missing term grades or Incompletes in your gradebook will result in a student receiving an incorrect grade.

This could affect any of the following:

  • UIL eligibility
  • GPA
  • Class rankings
  • Student transcripts
  • Scholarship eligibility