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Lecture: Matching


For this lecture, I have followed Douglas West, chapter 3.2 on Matching

For stable marriage: https://www.cs.princeton.edu/~wayne/kleinberg-tardos/pdf/01StableMatching.pdf

Stable roommate problem is not mentioned here though (follow this one https://www.cs.cmu.edu/~arielpro/15896s16/slides/896s16-16.pdf)

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If G has a perfect matching (implies no odd cycle), then player 2 has a winning

strategy; otherwise, player 1 has a winning strategy.

Can you justify ? Could there be any other property which supports the winning strategy?

Player 1 should start from an unmatched vertex for a graph without perfect matching.

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We use an algorithm called the Hungarian Method

Assignment Problem

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The theorem transforms the problem from an optimization problem of finding a max-weight matching into a combinatorial one of finding a perfect matching.

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The theorem transforms the problem from an optimization problem of finding a max-weight matching into a combinatorial one of finding a perfect matching.

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a1 1 4 5

a2 5 7 6

a3 5 8 8

b1 b2 b3

5 a1 4 1 0 X-R

7 a2 2 0 1 X-R

8 a3 3 0 0 X-R

b1 b2 b3

Excess matrix



3 a1 2 1 0

5 a2 0 0 1

6 a3 1 0 0

2 2

b1 b2 b3

Select R and/or T so that all 0s are


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For ease of analysis, convert

this into complete bipartite graph by adding edges of weight 0

Max-Matching will be: ((Rob-Top),(Eva-Defense),(Tom-Mid))

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Rb 1 0 4

Ev 6 8 0

Tm 0 6 1

Def Mid Top

3 4 0

2 0 8

6 0 5


= 8


3 4 0

2 0 8

6 0 5



= 8


M: Matched

U: Unmatched

0 +2 +2

3-2 4 0

2-2 0 8

6-2 0 5





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3 4 0

2 0 8

6 0 5



= 8


0 +2 +2

3-2 4 0

2-2 0 8

6-2 0 5





0 +2 +2

1 4 0

0 0 8

4 0 5





Max-Matching will be: ((Rob-Top),(Eva-Defense),(Tom-Mid))

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Show that this is optimal: max weighted matching and min cost cover?

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Stable marriage algorithm terminates and man-optimal stable.

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What happens if the ordering of proposal is reversed?

A-Y,B-X, C-Z


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Construct an example where the weighted maximum matching in bipartite graph is not stable.

Example: Consider 3 men <A,B,C> and 3 women <a,b,c>, where n=3.

Given a preference list of a man/woman, then ith person in list has weight n-i. That is, if “A” has list <a,b,c> then a has weight 2 (3-1), b has weight 1 (3-2) and c has weight 0 (3-3). Similarly if “b” has list <A,B,C> then A has weight 2, B has weight 1 and C has weight 0. Then any edge (u,v) will have weight equal to summation of weight of vertices. For example, the edge (A,b) will have weight 1+2=3 as “A” has placed “b” in second position but “b” has placed “A” in 1st position.

Hint: Try to construct a weighted matching where (A,b), (B,a), (C,c) has weight >8 but stable matching is (A,a), (B,b) and (C,c). One way of doing this would be edge (B,b) has weight 0, (A,a) has weight 4 and (C,c) has weight 4, but summation of weights of (A,b) and (B,a) is >4.

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Stable Roommate Problem (For general Graphs)

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Stable Roommate Problem

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Stable Roommate Problem

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Stable Roommate Problem

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Stable Roommate Problem

Previous Problem:

We have (Alana, Cynthia), But Brian has an empty list, so no matching

Prob 2: If we have proposal:

A => C,B then phase 1:

B => A,C A=> C,B

C => B,A B=> A,C

C=> B,A

Phase 2 (apply rotation):

B=>A,C B proposes to C, A unmatched

