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If plants could talk,which type of water would they beg for


Nativity Catholic School

2024 San Mateo County Office of Education STEM Fair

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The purpose of this experiment is to investigate all of the effects of differents types of water, as including fruit infused water,sparkling water, tap and expensive water, on the growth and the overall health of plants.By doing this experiment and comparing these different water sources I will determine if certain types of water have a significant impact on plant growth.I hypothesize that the type of water used,such as a fruit infused, sparkling water,expensive water, and tap water will have different effects on the health and growth of my pakchoi plant.I predict that the pak choi plant watered with tap water will exhibit the best growth and health compared to the other sources, but I also expect the plant watered by fruit infused water to come out looking and possibly smelling differently. My independent variables is the type of water I use in my experiment and my dependent variable is the growth and health of my pak choi plant. My control constants include the same amount of water given to each of my four pak choi plants and the same type and size of pakchoi plant used. The variable I am manipulating is the type of water I am using. By measuring and observing I started by setting up different groups of pakchoi plant and each group received the different type of water. By comparing the results from each group I was able to analyzing the effects of different water types on the pakchoi plants.From my results all of my plant grew in different ways. The plant I watered with sparkling water did not have no sign of growth, the plant I filled with tap water had the most growth, the plant i filled with fruit infused water did have a sign of growth but was not significant, and the plant I watered with the most expensive costed water was the second biggest plant I grew.

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Purpose Statement

The reason why im doing this experiment is to help planters to see if there's a new way to grow plants faster by using another liquid besides water. I also chose this experiment out of curiosity for myself.

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For my experiment I have four different types of liquids that I will be testing.I would like to see if any of the unusual liquids out of these four would work better than a normally used one.I predict that tap water and high quality water will grow the plant the fastest while sparkling water and fruit water might grow the plant slower.I wanted to try this experiment because I think that sparkling water and fruit infused water could possibly still grow the plant even if it takes long.

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Experimental Procedures and


1.sparkling water

2.Tap water

3.hint water

4.Expensive water

5.four Pak choi plants

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Experimental Results

My experimental results came out that the pak choi plant I watered with sparkling water took the most time to grow, the plant i watered with fruit infused water I also took a long time to grow by by time I saw good growth, the expensive water was too cold for the plant which ended making the plant grow slower then when I used tap water.

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Analysis of Experimental


From what I learned from this experiment is the different effects that different water types have on the growth and health of pakchoi plant. It was interesting to see how the plant I watered with fruit infused water did grow bigger than I thought it would come up to.

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Based on the data that I have collected it came clear to me that the best option for watering the Pak choi plant was tap water. It contained needed minerals and nutrients that benefited my plants growth. I noticed it's better to use hose water and tap water rather than the expensive water I used because of minerals tap water contained. When it came to using the fruit infused water I did not see much growth of my plant at all. When I used sparkling water I ended up seeing a bigger growth from that liquid.

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I would like to thank my local florist shop for helping me pick out a plant that would be perfect for my experiment.