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Redefining skill verification for the 21st Century


A 10 Step Guide to Using the Diwala Platform

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Diwala is a digital solution that allows �for easy issuance and verification of �training, education and skills.

The platform allows institutions and skill �providers to safely issue and verify certificates �of education, training, skills and work experience, enabling their students to access greater opportunities for jobs and finances.

Welcome to Diwala!

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1. Go to www.diwala.io/educator & Press “Get Started”

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2. Register your institution

Once you register, you will receive an email from us requesting you to send some documentation verifying your employment and role.�As soon as we have verified your institution, �you will receive a confirmation email.

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3. Set up your account �

a) Fill in your account detailsIn your account overview, add your account details and signature. ��b) Add your signature

Click the Update Signature button and Send a link to your email. Once this link has been sent, open it on your smartphone.��Click Add Signature in the email you receive and ensure your phone is in horizontal mode.

Go ahead to then sign and save your signature.

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c). Set your passwordIn your account overview, you will need to set a password to use to sign certificates and certify your students. ��

d). Add your colleaguesIn your Institute overview, you can add your colleagues, so you can collaborate with them and have them sign and issue certificates on behalf of your institution.��

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Select amongst 3 certificate templates and customise �them with your institution’s colour and logo.

4.Design your certificate

new certificate templates now available!


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5. Create your first course

Go to the courses section, press the create course button and fill in the details related to it.

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Course �codes

You can easily and securely onboard your students to the course, by informing or sending them the course code through an email invitation.

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6. Invite your students to enroll

Fill in your students’ contact information �to invite them, or upload a CSV file for faster �onboarding of many students.

Click “invite student” to invite student�When you invite students, they will appear in the “applicants” section, until you enroll them.��

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The new improved way to access and share certificates online with employers

Students download the Diwala app to set up their skill Identity

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To enroll in the course, students simply enter �the provided course code that they received

through email from the course administrator or through face-to-face communication with facilitator.

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7. Enroll your students

When you have enrolled your students they �will end up in your student table section, �and you can view their status to the left.

When you invite students, they will appear in �the “applicants” section, until you enroll them.

NB: For security reasons, all students with smartphones are required to upload a �picture. If a student card is not showing a green enroll button or a picture, they have �not onboarded to the app yet. Try to re-Invite them by pressing the “re-Invite” button.

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Click Add Signer to add a 2nd signer to a certificate.

The person will then get an email notification to create

an account and sign on the certificate. Right here,

you can also choose who should be the primary

(main) signer and secondary (2nd) signer.

To add a 2nd Signer to a certificate, go to your course overview and and click on Edit Course.��

8. Add a 2nd Signer (Optional)

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9. Sign and issue secure online certificates

After you and 2nd signer both have signed, go ahead and issue the certificates. In case you want to change signer to another admin, you can add them as a signer in the edit course view.

Click Sign course and enter the password you set to sign your students’ certificates. If there is any missing information in your account setup, you will be asked to complete those first,


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which they can share easily with future employers

Students then receive the issued digital certificates on their phone app

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Which they �can easily

share with future employers

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All students can �receive PDF Certificates �whether or not they �have a smartphone

These certificates are also authentic, secure and easy �to verify online.

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10. Download & Send PDF’s to students

After your certificates have been signed and issued, you can select one of all of them and download the PDF’s in a zip folder with 1 click. ���

The students with smartphones has already received their certificate on their app. But you can�click Send to send PDF Certificates to the students that f.example did not have phones. ���

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1. Invite student as you would normally, and enter their email.�

2. Go to Applicants section, and press the 3 dots in the corner of the student’s box.�

3. Click on the tab “Create identity for student” to get started

How to issue digital certificates �to students without smartphones

The diwala platform allows those students to create �an account with their email or SMS number, that temporarily holds certificates for them. When they are able to obtain a smartphone, they can simply enter their contact info and access their digital certificates. In the meantime, they receive their certificates in a PDF format that can be verified online.

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5. If student is not present with you, you can send them an email or SMS for them to set up their account on any available device they can get a hold of. ��(Any computer or a phone with internet connection for a couple minutes)

4. If the student is present with you, they can �set up their account on your computer.

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If your student needs guidance on this process, take them through the steps below

1. Tell them to Look for the invitation email or SMS in their inbox, and click “create my Skill-ID” ��2. Next step is to enter their email or phone number, �and click “get verification code”, to verify this contact information.

3. After entering their email or phone number, tell �them to find the email or SMS with the verification code in their inbox. (NB: this is the verification code to verify the email or phone number, NOT the code to the Course!)

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4. Tell them to enter the verification code and click “verify”.��5. Next step is to enter their name as they want it to be shown on their certificate and �set a password for their account.

When students get a smartphone in the future, they can simply download the Diwala app, enter their contact details and their credentials will appear in their Skill Identity.

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You can now go ahead and certify these students the same way as you would certify

the students with smartphones. The ones without phones will appear in the student table without a photo.

Once certificates are issued, you can select the student, download the PDF copy of their certificate, or send it to them as mentioned.

Once your student has created his/her account,

they will appear in the Applicants’ section, ready

to be enrolled

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If you need any assistance, �have any questions, or want to learn more about diwala; ��Please don’t hesitate to start a conversation with us in our chat window in the app (click on �settings icon and help) , inside �the platform or on our webpage www.diwala.io ��We would love to help you, �or simply hear your feedback!

Kind regards,

The Diwala Team