1 of 16

Burj Kahlifa

Dubai, UAE

Burj Al Arab Jumeirah

Dubai, UAE

2 of 16

Great Wall of China

Machu Picchu


3 of 16

Eiffel Tower

Paris, France

Saint Basil’s Cathedral

Moscow, Russia

4 of 16

Petronas Twin Towers

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Empire State Building

New York City, USA

5 of 16

Sydney Opera House

Sydney, Australia

Flatiron Building

New York, USA

6 of 16

The Leaning Tower of Pisa

Pisa, Italy

Gaudi Church - Sagrada Familia

Barcelona, Spain

Incomplete - started in 1886

7 of 16

Edmonton Art Gallery

Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Habitat 67

Montreal, Quebec, Canada

8 of 16

Bird’s Nest

Beijing, China


Athens, Greece

9 of 16

St. Peter’s Basillica

Vatican City

Tower Bridge

London, England

10 of 16

Basilique Notre-Dame

Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Notre-Dame Cathedral

Paris, France

11 of 16

Chateau Frontenac

Quebec, Qc, Canada

Forbidden City

Beijing, China

12 of 16

Science World

Vancouver, BC, Canada

Walterdale Bridge

Edmonton, AB, Canada

13 of 16

SciThe Guggenheim Museum

New York City, USA

CN Tower

Toronto, ON, Canada

14 of 16

Hotel de Glace

Valcartier, Quebec

The Shard

London, England

15 of 16

Confederation Bridge

Northumberland Strait, New Brunswick & PEI


Rome, Italy

16 of 16

Giza Pyramids


Taj Mahal
