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Introduction to Python

Charles Forsyth

HPC/Linux System Administrator

High Performance Computing Center

University of California, Riverside


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HPCC Website

Website Address: hpcc.ucr.edu

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Accessing the Cluster - SSH

  • SSH is the main protocol used to interface with the HPCC Cluster.
  • Start by ssh’ing from your system to cluster.hpcc.ucr.edu
    • Windows
      • Putty or Mobaxterm
        • ssh username@cluster.hpcc.ucr.edu
    • Mac
      • Terminal
        • ssh username@cluster.hpcc.ucr.edu
    • Linux
      • Terminal
        • ssh -XY username@cluster.hpcc.ucr.edu
    • The “-XY” allows graphical output to be passed back to your system.
  • cluster.hpcc.ucr.edu is a special DNS name that load balances incoming connections to one of the available login nodes.






SSH Here

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Python introduction workshop files

  • Git (preferred)
  • wget

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Python: Overview

Python is a remarkably powerful programming language that is used in a wide variety of application domains. Python is often compared to Tcl, Perl, R or Ruby.

    • High-level
    • Interpreted
    • Interactive
    • Object-Oriented
    • Can create GUI interfaces
    • Extendable
    • Easy to learn
    • Easy to read�

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Python: Overview

  • Python plays well with others
    • Python can integrate with R, COM, .NET, C and C++ just to name a few
  • Python runs everywhere
    • Python is available for all major operating systems: Windows, Linux/Unix, OS/2, Mac
  • Strong Community and Open Source
    • Many resources and code examples online
  • Very powerful
    • Very rich standard library, which covers everything from asynchronous processing to zip files. The language itself is a flexible powerhouse that can handle practically any problem domain.
  • Fast
    • Thanks to a highly optimized byte compiler and support libraries, Python code runs more than fast enough for most applications.�

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Python: Interpreter

  • The python interpreter takes Python scripts and interprets them into machine code for you.
  • Takes the high level language and translates it to something the processor can understand.
  • Can allow work interactively with the interpreter to experiment and test.

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Python: Python Environments on the HPCC Cluster

  • Two major python versions - python 2 and python 3 (python 3 is the future)

  • Python Environment = Isolated Python space (python, modules and apps)

  • Default = miniconda2/4.4.10
    • python = python3 (version 3.6.5)
    • python3 = python3 (version 3.6.5)
    • python2 = python2 (version 2.7.14)

  • Create your own python environment:
    • conda create -y -n py3.7 python=3.7.0
    • source activate py3.7

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Python: scripts

  • Python scripts are just text files with python code in them.
    • File extension (.py) not necessary but good practice
  • First line in the file defines the interpreter (python in this case)
    • #!/usr/bin/env python
  • Permissions - At least the owner of the file requires execute permissions.
    • chmod u+x my-python-script.py

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Python: Variable Types

  • Variables are reserved memory locations to store values. This means that when you create a variable you reserve some space in memory. Depending on the data type the interpreter decides what can be stored in that reserved memory.

  • Python has five standard data types:
    • Numbers
    • Strings
    • List
    • Tuples
    • Dictionary�

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Python: Variables - Numbers


#!/usr/bin/env python��x = 1 # integer�y = 1.5 # float��x = 7 # integer�y = 2 # integer�z = x/y # division�print(z) # print the value of y�#3 # result , integer(python2)

#3.5 # result , float(python3)��x = 7.0 # float�y = 2.0 # float �z = x/y # division�print(z) # print the value of y�#3.5 # result , float

Python supports four different numerical types:

  • int (integers)
  • long (long integers)
  • float (floating point real values)
  • complex (complex numbers)�

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Python: Variables - Strings


#!/usr/bin/env python��mystr = 'Hello World!‘��print(mystr) # Prints complete string �print(mystr[0]) # Prints zeroth char of the string �print(mystr[2:5]) # Prints characters 3rd to 6th �print(mystr[2:]) # Prints characters 3rd to end �print(mystr * 2) # Prints string two times �print(mystr + "TEST") # Prints concatenated string�

Strings are sets of characters between quotation marks.

  • Can be iterated over
  • Can be referenced by index

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Python: Variables - Lists


#!/usr/bin/env python��listone = [ 'abcd', 786 , 2.23, 'dog', 70.2 ]��listtwo = [123, 'dog']��print(listone) # Prints complete list �print(listone[0]) # Prints zeroth element of the list �print(listone[1:3]) # Prints elements from 2nd to 4th �print(listone[2:]) # Prints elements from 3rd element�print(listtwo * 2) # Prints list two times �print(listone + listtwo) # Prints concatenated lists

print(len(listtwo)) # Prints # of elements in listtwo�print(listtwo) # Prints listtwo

�listtwo[0] = 456 # Replaces zeroth element

listtwo.append('cat') # Appends cat to listtwo

�print(len(listtwo)) # Prints # of elements in listtwo�print(listtwo) # Prints listtwo�

A list is a variable type that contains items separated by commas and enclosed within square brackets [ ].

  • Can be iterated over
  • Can be referenced by index
  • Each entry in the list can be any variable type.
    • Even a list of lists will work�

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Python: Variables - Tuples


#!/usr/bin/env python��tupleone = ( 'abcd', 786 , 2.23, 'dog', 70.2 )��tupletwo = (123, 'dog')��print(tupleone) # Prints complete list �print(tupleone[0]) # Prints zeroth element of the tuple �print(tupleone[1:3]) # Prints elements from 2nd to 4th �print(tupleone[2:]) # Prints elements from 3rd on �print(tupletwo * 2) # Prints tuple two times �print(tupleone + tupletwo) # Prints concatenated tuple�

# tupleone[0] = 345 # This will FAIL, immutable �# tupleone.append('cat') # This will FAIL, immutable�

A tuple contains items separated by commas and enclosed within parentheses ( ).

�They are very similar to lists.

The big difference is they are immutable, think read-only. The contents can not be changed.�

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Python: Variables - Dictionary


#!/usr/bin/env python

�dictionary = {'name':'John','code':6734,'dept':'sales',2:'a number'}��print(dictionary['name']) # Prints value for 'name' key �print(dictionary[2]) # Prints value for 2 key �print(dictionary) # Prints complete dictionary �print(dictionary.keys()) # Prints all the keys �print(dictionary.values()) # Prints all the values��dictionary['name'] = 'Paul' # Changes the value of name to Paul�dictionary['company'] = 'Big Company' # Adds new key-value pair

print(dictionary) # Prints complete dictionary�

A dictionary contains key-value pairs separated by commas and enclosed within curly brackets { }.

�Can be iterated over, referenced by key, changeable and indexed

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Python: Flow Control


##### Sudo Code ####��if condition: #Checks if condition is true� action #If true performs action�elif condition: #If false check this condition� action #If true performs action�else #If no conditions are true � action #Perform this action��

while condition: #while something is true� action #perform this action��

for iterating_var in sequence: #iterate over a sequence� action on iterating_var #perform action each iteration�

Like most other languages Python has the basic logic constructs.

  • IF
    • IF
    • ELIF
    • ELSE
  • FOR�

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Python: Lines and Indentation


#!/usr/bin/env python��myvar = 42��if myvar == 42:� print('Condition was True')� mylist = ['red','green','blue']� for var in mylist:� print(var)� print('done true list')�else:� print('Condition was False')� mylist = [1,2,3]� for var in mylist:� print(var)� print('done false list')�print(myvar)

Blocks of code are denoted by line indentation, which is rigidly enforced.��The number of spaces in the indentation is variable, but all statements within the block must be indented the same amount.

Four spaces per/indentation is best practice.�

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Python: Comparison Operators

Testing conditions in IFs, WHILEs and FORs requires a means to compare objects.

This is done with operators, namely comparison operators.

Here is a chart of common comparison operators and what they do:�





Checks if the value of two operands are equal or not, if yes then condition becomes true.

(a == a) is true


Checks if the value of two operands are equal or not, if values are not equal then condition becomes true.

(a != b) is true.


Checks if the value of left operand is greater than the value of right operand, if yes then condition becomes true.

(5 > 2) is true.


Checks if the value of left operand is less than the value of right operand, if yes then condition becomes true.

(1 < 2) is true.


Checks if the value of left operand is greater than or equal to the value of right operand, if yes then condition becomes true.

(2 >= 2) is true, (5 >= 2) is true


Checks if the value of left operand is less than or equal to the value of right operand, if yes then condition becomes true.

(2 <= 2) is true, (1 <= 2) is true

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Python: Comparison Operators


#!/usr/bin/env python��dictionary = 'yes'�list = 'yes'�threshold = 30��if dictionary == 'yes':� print('Starting Dictionary Test')� data = {'result-1':42,'result-2':100,'result-3':20}� for result in data:� if data[result] <= threshold:� print(result, data[result])��if list == 'yes':� print('Starting List Test')� data = [2,4,3,6,9,100,42,20,35,68,39]� for result in data:� if result >= threshold:� print(result)��print('Script Complete')�


Comparison Operators in action

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Python: Functions


#!/usr/bin/env python��def my_function():� print("Hello from a function")��def my_greet_function(name):� print("Hello " + name + ", I am function")��def my_pi(num):� num = num * 3.14� print(num)��def my_multiply(num1,num2):� result = num1 * num2� return result��my_function()�my_greet_function('Chuck')

for iteration in range(82, 101):� my_pi(iteration)�print(my_multiply(566765,8503432))��

Blocks of code that you can define.�

You can pass input to them and the result can optionally be returned.

Allows reuse of code


def function_name( parameters ):� code block� return [expression]�

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Python: Classes


#!/usr/bin/env python��class Person:

def __init__(self, name, id):� self.name = name� self.id = id�� def greet(self):� print("Hello " + self.name)�� def report_id(self):� print("Id =" + str(self.id))��p1 = Person("John", 36)�p2 = Person("Paul", 32)�p3 = Person("Kim", 33)�p1.greet()�p3.greet()�p2.report_id()�p3.report_id()���

Most things in Python are objects with properties and methods.��A Class is like a "blueprint" for creating objects.

All classes have a function called __init__()

Objects can also contain methods. Methods in objects are functions that belongs to the object.�

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Python: Modules and Installs

  • A module is a file(s) consisting of Python code.
    • A module can define functions classes, and variables.
    • You can define your own modules.
    • Python has a large number of modules available from the Python community.
    • Extends the language.
  • You can install modules via conda, pip, or write them yourself.
    • conda install <module name>
    • pip install <module name>
    • placing __init__.py in the same directory as the python script your developing.
  • To use a module you need to import that module into your code.
    • This is done with the “import” statement

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Python: Modules - Import


#!/usr/bin/env python��import random #Importing the random module��x = random.randint(1,10) #Generate random integer from 1 to 10 �print(x) #Prints x

To use a module once installed you need to import that module into your code.

  • This is done with the “import” statement
  • syntax:
    • import module
    • import module as name

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Python: Filesystem Operations


#!/usr/bin/env python

�import os #importing the os module��os.rename(current_file_name, new_file_name) #Renames a file�os.remove(file_name) #Deletes a file�os.mkdir('newdir') #Creates a directory�os.getcwd() #Returns your current working directory�os.chdir('newdir') #Changes your current working directory�os.mkdir('newdir1') #Creates a directory�os.mkdir('newdir2') #Creates a directory�os.mkdir('newdir3') #Creates a directory�os.rmdir('newdir2') #Deletes a directory�

  • You may wish to perform operations on a file on your filesystem.
    • Delete or Rename a file
    • Make a directory or find out your current working directory.
  • These can be done by importing another module named OS.

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Python: External Commands


#!/usr/bin/env python

�import subprocess #importing the subprocess module��subprocess.call(['top']) #calling external command top, type ‘q’ to exit�subprocess.call(['ls','-latr']) #calling external command ls -latr�subprocess.call(['./dictionary-type-variables.py']) #calling other python script in same folder

Things such as top, sbatch, squeue or any other executable code outside of python.�These can be done by importing another module named subprocess.�The method is called call and it’s part of the subprocess module�subprocess.call([‘command to run’,’ arguments’])�

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Python: User input

user-input.py argument

#!/usr/bin/env python��import sys�

# Interactive Input�name = input('What is your name?\n')�print('Hi, %s.' % name)�

#Command line arguments�if len(sys.argv) > 1:� print(sys.argv[1])��

Command line arguments

Interactive input

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Python: Read and Write Files


#!/usr/bin/env python��import json��data = {'r1':42,'r2':100,'r3':20}�data2 = {}��with open('data.txt', 'w') as file:� file.write(json.dumps(data))��with open('data.txt', 'r') as file:� data2= json.loads(file.read())��print(data2)

You can use the open function and what's called a file handle. To load a file into a file handle for reading, writing or both.

json is a module that lets you storage data in json (JavaScript Object Notation) format.

Much like a dictionary.

There are many other ways to store data in files.

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Python: Work with data


#!/usr/bin/env python��import os�import random�import json�if not os.path.isfile('data.txt'):� data = {}� for i in range(1234567):� data['r'+ str(i)] = random.randint(1,314)� with open('data.txt', 'w') as file:� file.write(json.dumps(data))��with open('data.txt', 'r') as file:� data = json.loads(file.read())��l = []�for result in data:� l.append(data[result])�average = sum(l) / len(l)�print('The sum is ', round(sum(l), 2))�print('The average is ', round(average, 2))

This example creates a data file if one doesn’t already exist. A file with 1,234,567 results, random values between 1 and 314.

It reads in the data file, storing it in a dictionary. It then iterates over it storing the values in a list.

It then sums and averages the values.

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Python: Python in HPC Environments

  • Very Popular
  • Batch submissions can be made in python
    • sbatch python-slurm.py
  • GPU and Machine Learning
    • pytorch
    • tensorflow
    • tflearn
    • scikit-learn
  • General HPC
    • numpy
    • scipy
    • Multiprocessing
    • Mpi4py


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Thank You

Helpful Resources:

  • Command help
    • dir(class)
    • help(class.function)
  • Web Resources