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KMP’s FTB Infinity (v2.4.2)

May Update

( A Summary of What M Did For the Last

Few Weeks While Bored Out of His Fucking Skull )

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Hey there, mates! It’s me, Maestro from MafiaScum.net.

If you don’t know what that is, get the fuck out. If you don’t know who I am, hi. Nice to meet you.

This album is a bunch of shit from a Minecraft server I play on and run.

If you don’t know what Minecraft is...I don’t want to help you and I don’t know why you’re here. Go bother somebody else. Maybe run along and send a PM to EspeciallyTheLies.

What I can do is tell you that this is something I’m doing for fun. Don’t expect it to be updated again or anything. I’m a lazy bitch like that.

Why am I doing this then? If you know me, you know my partner in crime Klazam is one of the only people I can stand to play video games with on a regular basis.

But for the past few weeks he’s been off adulting and I’ve gotten a new job with a lot of down time…

So here we go.

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Part I: Our Main Build (or “The Story Thus Far”)

We picked a nice spot on a riverbend between a Desert and a Swamp for our main, sprawling build. The point was to have a main house/building for some machinery and basic ore processing and other material gathering, and to have a focal point for the rest of our builds to revolve around.

I built the house like a good house-husband, Klaz got us cool shit. That’s usually how it works around here. No, we’re not married.

Click here to skip to Part II...

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On the opposite side from where I took the overhead screenshot: manual farms, portals (one each for the Nether, the Twilight, and the Runic Dungeon), and an Immersive Engineering Water Wheel on the river.

That thing ended up being much more trouble than it was worth. I only ever built and optimized one trio of them. The IE Windmills look better anyway.

We started with just two buildings, which are still there on the north side of the manor. They’re not used as often now for reasons I’ll go into later:

The one on the left is a recognizable Tinker’s Construct Smeltery. The entrance to our mine is on the right. The ComputerCraft Turtle on the far left is our Sugar Daddy… Klaz programmed him to farm Sugar Cane. Get your mind out of the gutter.

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Entering the manor via the north door by the Smeltery and the mine, the first thing you come upon is our Storage Drawers wall, all connected via the Drawer Controller in the middle on the bottom-right.

This took some finagling to get correct. I ALWAYS prefer Thermal Foundation metal blocks and ingots. They will always be the most fabulous.

Moving to the east door, there’s more basic material storage - bookshelves and tool racks in the SW corner of the manor courtesy of BiblioCraft.

The contents of the JABBA Better Barrels on this wall shift from time to time based on what we need for construction. Right now, they contain Smooth Sandstone, End Stone, Stone, and Stone Bricks.

More on that End Stone later...

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Once you move up to the second floor, the SW corner is the place-to-be. Thermal Expansion and EnderIO machines operate side-by-side here, mainly for processing ore and metal and occasionally filling stuff in the Fluid Transposer. I set up a Thermal Expansion Resonant Energy Cell here, and the EIO Capacitor Bank acts as a buffer for a TE Tesseract above.

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Also on the second floor, Klaz and I have...bedrooms, I guess? We don’t really have much here except beds and personal chests. I also set up our ExtraUtilies Ender Quarry output in the hallway there - that thing is the reason we don’t use the turtles for mining as often now. Klaz leaves his completed set of Thaumcraft armor in his room when he’s not using it. We also each have a PortalGun Portal. Wouldn’t YOU like to know where they lead.

M’s room ↓ Klaz’s room →

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Outside on the second floor balcony is the entrance to the Mystcraft Linking Book tower. Atop the tower are two IE Improved Windmills; you may’ve seen them in earlier screenshots if you were paying attention. They really move during a storm!

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Back in the SW corner on the balcony is a short ladder leading to the attic, or the third floor. In the east wing is enchanter’s paradise: ExUtils’ enchanting blocks “power” an Enchantment Table and a Draconic Evolution Disenchanter with little-floating-runic-symbol-thingies. #magic

We keep our Enchanted Books in the shelves above and our not-so-Enchanted Books in the Better Barrel by the EIO Enchanter nearby.

In the north wing we each have a Mystcraft Writing Desk and some Bookstands for setting up Descriptive Books to crazy Ages of untold riches and disappointment.

We keep the place stocked with Water, Ink, and Leather, and there’s a Twilight Forest Uncrafting Table up here; it seemed to fit in best with all the other things that use up our hard-earned levels.

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Last but not least for the attic, we have the other end of that TE Cryo-Stabilized Fluxduct from slide six: it punches its way through the ceiling and an attached TE Resonant Fluxduct powers a lonely RFTools Dimlet Researcher before hitting the TE Tesseract I mentioned earlier.

I set up a small BiblioCraft bookshop on this end of the floor too: we copy and print Enchanted Books for all your overpowered needs… #magic

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Shifting gears, if you head down one of the two ladders to the basement you’ll find my triple-QED setup with auto-outputs (courtesy of ExUtils and Translocators), a TE Igneous Extruder pumping out Obsidian whenever needed, two pairs of RailCraft Coke Ovens and two pairs of RC Blast Furnaces, and the auto-mining system we cooked up a while back using TE Autonomous Activators.

We needed something that could quickly churn through all the Silk-Touched ores that we wanted to mine with Fortune III, so we set them up with a TiC Manyullyn pickaxe loaded with Lapis. I may replace that pickaxe eventually, since it breaks often even with Moss.

That EIO Travel Anchor by the door out onto the balcony leads to our Big Reactor.

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Speaking of the balcony, here it is! Simple, and hopefully not complete yet, I originally intended this to be a site for power generation via some SUPER resource-intensive ExUtils 64x Generators I made awhile back. I never did automate the Charcoal to power them, so that project kinda fell by the wayside. But these IE Industrial Blast Furnaces are still here, plugging away whenever I need them. The IE LV Wire is a pretty cool way to transfer power, I will say. The IE Conveyor belt is attached at the back to each machine, to carry Slag. Eugh. Slag.

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Last-but-probably-not-least, our last stop in the main build is the SE corner of the basement of the manor. Here is a passageway leading to two small tunnels: the one on the left turns into steps that lead down to the IE Water Wheels on the river (with a TE Leadstone Fluxduct set in the wall); the one on the right leads to the first stop in Part II of this presentation...

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Part II: Our Other Builds (or “The Kinda-New Stuff”)

When I said the manor was only the focal point for the build, I meant it. What we’ve done on the server already encroaches on about 300 sq. meters (blocks) of territory, and that’s not even including the space we traverse using IE Cables with our Engineer’s Skyhooks.

Part II is all about those parts of the outlying builds that’re already complete, as in, Klaz saw these parts already.

Click here to skip to Part III...

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Now, I know I got you all excited with my hook at the end of Part I, but this first “outlying build” isn’t very outlying and it’s not much of a build. HAH LITERARY LICENSE STRIKES AGAIN! This thing was going to be our mage tower, but I quickly realized it was both too small and too boring in its construction. I call it “the Silo” now, because I was going to use it for storing farming stuff, but it’s too far from every one of our actual farms.

I’ve dumped some Thaumcraft Thaumaturges, Forbidden Magic Heretics, Forestry Apiarists and Arborists, and some other important/interesting Villagers in there for now, and I’ve added an ExUtils Trading Post all since Klaz left.

“Where did they all come from, Maestro?” A good question, perceptive viewer...

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“Hey Maestro, while you’re breaking the fourth wall, what was that giant building in the background of the balcony slide?”

Why, perceptive viewer, that would be my MEGAFARM!!! Just one of the reasons I decided not to store farming surplus in the Silo, this baby is one of the pride(s) and joy(s) of this server for me, so far. So allow me time to gush for a moment...

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The first thing you’ll notice is the AgriCraft irrigation system, used to full effect with 7x7 plots of farmland (also hydrated by water flowing along under some of the Stone Bricks).

It all starts in the back of the farm, with BuildCraft Pumps dumping water into daisy-chained AgriCraft irrigation tanks, TE Hardened Fluiducts, and an EnderStorage Ender Tank.

See that lever there, connected to the Wireless Redstone Transceiver? That operates pistons, which prevent some water source blocks from overrunning the whole farm. Turn that off, and each side of the Megafarm will auto-harvest. Modded Minecraft taking a leaf out of Vanilla’s book for once!

Now look at the other thing in that screenshot…that Iron Chest labeled “Auto-Magical Replant Chest”…

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That “Auto-Magical Replant Chest” connects to this, the underbelly of the Megafarm. The Megabelly. Nevermind, that sounds kinda weird.

TE Fluctuating Itemducts carry both seeds and power to the appropriate Minefactory Reloaded Planter block, and everything you just harvested from the farm with the power of flowing water is planted right back where it belongs. It’s not magic, it’s technology.

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Now that you’ve seen the Megafarm, I’ll show you a glimpse of the second outlying build, which is still under construction by Klaz. It’s a massive tower made of Chiseled End Stone (remember I said that would come up later?) and edged with Chiseled Obsidian.

Exclusively for Thaumcraft, he was rightfully picky about the materials he wanted to use in construction, and he’s waiting on (I believe) Blood Magic Runes for the roof.

That there in the distance is his test build, where he eventually pieced together what he wanted the tower to look like.

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I have no idea if Klaz would be ok with his Work In Progress going on display for all to see and/or critique. You all know what a Thaumcraft Infusion Altar looks like; you know what Silverwood and Greatwood Trees look like. You have some idea of how Thaumcraft research works. That’s basically it for now.

This section may be updated later when he finishes and we can show off his amazing work!

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“But Maestro, where did the goddamn Villagers come from?”

Oh, right. They came from this! My Blood Magic Altar-in-the-Sky. Close-ups and explanation are for squares…but you’ll find some of that in the next couple of slides.

Draconic Evolution

Villager Spawners

Ritual of Binding

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Villagers are spawned and slowly killed by the Blood Magic Ritual “Well of Suffering”, about a dozen every few seconds. More LP for me, with the added benefit that there’s time for me to pick through the Villagers and PortalGun out the ones I may want to keep for trading.

BEST PART: Draconic Evolution Mob Spawners don’t need power of any kind. 💙

Atop the spawning chamber, as labeled in the previous slide, is a permanent fixture: a Blood Magic “Ritual of Binding”, used for Diamond Swords, Thaumcraft Goggles of Revealing, and Forbidden Magic Crystal Scribing Tools (my personal favorite).

There’s some bug that allows the lightning that strikes to blow off just one of the two pieces of Red Alloy Wire connected to the spawners above. Fuckin’ annoying.

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Below the Altar, there’s two things:

The first is the actual “Well of Suffering” ritual, which is pretty standard for Blood Magic non-Self Sacrifice builds. Who in Minecraft has time to sit around pricking their finger OH SORRY “using their Orb” all day for LP. Not me, that’s for sure.

TE Hardened Fluiducts connect surplus “Life Essence” (Blood) to an EnderStorage Ender Tank. Because reasons.

The second thing below the Altar, and the final dishonorable mention for this outlying build, are the Demon Summoning pedestals. I’ll eventually finish the walls down here (for security reasons, since those damn Elementals can all fly) and maybe I’ll even automate it eventually…

All those precious Demon Blood Shards don’t gather themselves, you know. Yet.

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Part III: While Klaz Was Away (or “Random New Stuff”)

Well…that’s pretty much all there is to see. While Klaz was away I haven’t done tons of building, per say, but I have (finally) added trees to the Megafarm, and I’ve progressed through most of Blood Magic and done a ton of Thaumcraft research…ok, well I guess I did do a lot. But not much BUILDING.

So, Part III is going to be short and sweet. It’ll be me showing Klaz some “little” things I made, and passing on info / tips as to why I made those “little” things when I feel like it.

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Finally added in that Thaumcraft Paving Stone of Warding by the front steps. Got tired of seeing Zombies wander into the house, trying to get the Villagers in the Silo.

On the right is some of the Research I’ve done while you were away. I’m not sure what you did and didn’t get to in the Thaumonomicon (I’ve done almost all of the non-Warp-induced Vanilla TC research as of now), so I ended up saving ones I thought you’d want and any I got from Knowledge Fragments.

Made myself a Scepter and two Wands as well. The Gold Banded Greatwood Scepter has 75 maximum Vis, so I was able to use it to craft an Alchemically Crowned Blood Wand and a Thaumium Bossed Infernal Wand. The Blood Wand refills for “free” from my LP, so I use it all the time. The Infernal Wand is amazing for its utility: it refills Ignis up to 30% (it holds 150 total), it refills all other Vis to 10% when in the Nether, and it COMPLETELY PREVENTS Withering and most Fire Damage when it’s in your inventory. LOVE that Wand.

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Aaaaaand I guess that’s it for now.

Check back for updates...sometime?

Or I guess I could post in the thread when I update this.�But I’m lazy. You knew that coming into this.