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naming and identity�for brodo bar


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art déco

self-ironic snobbery

cozy calm

confident hedonism


escapism / inner migration

post-crisis bar for buddies with windows on the bell tower of the Petrovsky Monastery

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Ар деко:

make 20’s great agian

flappers, ar-deco, great depression, charlston

and opium dens?

and opium dens

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Man Ray

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One of the main stars of the most artistic city on the planet in the interwar years was a young Kharkiv resident - Adolphe Jean Marie Muron, who called himself Cassandre.

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Erté — a debutante in western gloss.

The name of this Russian debutant is Roman Petrovich Tyrtov, better known as Erté (Erte). In 1915, Roman was only 23 years old, but this Petersburger had already managed to make a name for himself as an original illustrator and fashion designer during his five years spent in Paris.

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Brodovitch's predecessor.

Warhol's inspiration.

Not only that, he is the first Russian freelance emigrant who, while living in Monte Carlo, sent covers for the American Bazar for 20 years (at that time with one more “a”). In those years, Roman Petrovich will have several exhibitions in the main capitals of the world (London, Paris, New York), several books will be published about him, and well-known designers of that time a la Andrei Vargola (Andy Warhol's real name) will talk about his influence to your works.

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And of course - the theme of the girl, �fashion, photography, illustrations. This is Erte.

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art déco

self-ironic snobbery

cozy calm

confident hedonism

erté bar

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art déco

self-ironic snobbery

cozy calm

confident hedonism

bar déco

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art déco

self-ironic snobbery

cozy calm

confident hedonism

20-30 bar

2030 bar

20:30 bar

2030s bar

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whip bar

skip bar

sip bar

bar déco

quench bar

modernist bar

20-30 bar

isolationist bar

brodo bar

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В 1934 году Бродович стал арт-директором журнала «Harper’s Bazaar». Первым делом он уволил старейшего иллюстратора «Bazaar» Эрте — стиль арт нуво совершенно не устраивал Бродовича, ему требовалось разнообразие, смешение стилей, коллаж художественных направлений — что-то неопределимое, но дающее немедленное ощущение свежести и новизны. Для будущих свершений Бродович пригласил любимых еще с парижских времен графика Кассандра и фотографа Мэна Рэя, начал публиковать в сугубо женском журнале работы Сальвадора Дали, �Жоана Миро, Жана Кокто. Это была явная пощечина общественному вкусу: он заставил сюрреалистов работать на моду, чутко выявив точку соприкосновения дизайна, �моды и сюрреализма — они все апеллировали �к подсознательному.


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Brodovitch is like a synthesis of that time.

Brodovitch loved photographs, and in Bazaar he almost completely replaced illustrations with them. It is amazing how brazenly he ignored what contemporaries valued most in photography - the objectivity of the look. Brodovich's working day began with a selection of photographs, which were then printed out by his assistants in huge quantities and in a variety of formats. During lunch, he swallowed a couple of martinis in a bar without an appetizer, after which he already began to crop and shuffle the printed. The reputation of a tyrant was established behind him: he subordinated all stages of work on the publication to his design interests.

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art déco

self-ironic snobbery genius tyranny

cozy calm stubborn careerism confident

hedonism depression from alcoholism

brodovitch bar

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Brodo bar

brodo bar


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Art of Brodovitch

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identity guide


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That’s all.